Current Plow Crew Work Locations: Wonder Lake Causeway, Mile 87.2.
Steam Crew Locations: Done for the season and reporting back to summer duties
Snow Depths: 3 feet across the road and 5 feet in the ditch
Aufeis Depths: Zero
Road Open to Public Traffic: Teklanika Rest Stop, Mile 30
Equipment Status: All up and running. Thanks to the auto shop.
Wildlife Sightings: Birds, bears and hares
Where we were on this date for the past five SRO's;
- 2017: Completed 4/28
- 2016: Completed 4/19
- 2015: Completed 4/28
- 2014: Completed 4/27
- 2013: Mile 89
We should be finishing up here in the next few days. We have some work to do on the Eielson Bluffs and beyond. There are a few soft spots as well and the road needs some time to dry out.