Current Plow Crew Work Locations: Tek rest stop. The crew started to find an ice lens over the road and now we will be chaining up the grader and welding ice cleats on the dozers. While this takes place the snowblower is making its way through the campground and Igloo forest so the timing is good. Since this is an overlap day other crew members are removing snow berms around the HQ area and pushing back drifts at 8 & 9 mile.
Steam Crew Locations: No ice and currently cleaning up snow around HQ Snow Depths: 3-5 feet across the road and drifts up to 8 feet
Aufeis Depths: 0
Road Open to Public Traffic: Savage cabin gate (Mile 14)
Equipment Status: The 143 has been fixed and is out and about. The six way plow is next to repair. A big thanks to the auto shop crew. The rental D8 bulldozer made it into the park yesterday evening and we will be welding ice cleats on after the D7 is finished. The D8 will still have to walk the rest of the way from mile 20 to meet up with the other equipment.
Current Weather Forecast
Current Weather at HQ: 32 above and bright.
Wildlife Sightings: Moose at 12 mile
Notes/Observations/Comments: Visitors, please be careful when seeing road equipment. With all the snow we have this year we need extra room to maneuver and turn around. With this being a snow year and warmer than average temps, its going to get more difficult as we continue west. The lack of ice is welcomed but we could get into a slush flow situation and potential flooding if temperatures continue on this trend. We are currently working on renting a larger bulldozer to help get through these large drifts. Reports indicate that the drifts will only become more frequent and larger the further west we progress.
March 28, 2018
Last updated: March 28, 2018