Current Plow Crew Work Locations: The crew made it to Tek rest stop last night. They encountered more snow as they moved west of Tek flats and into the forest. The rotary snowblower is being transported to Tek bridge today with the intentions of using it in Igloo Forest. The rotary is preferred in Igloo forest due to the lack of snow stacking locations. We are in a bit of a hurry to get to Igloo creek as there is weather forecasted to be in the mid 40's and we need to rip the ice in front of the bridge so the water does not come onto the road by the ranger cabin.
Above: The D7R dozer and freshly refurbished 972 loader push snow of the edge of the road mile 19. Photo courtesy Caribou Air Service/Dennis Miller
Steam Crew Locations: 4, 5, 7, 16.5, and 22 mile Snow Depths: 2'-3' Deepest encountered was 4 feet in the ditch
Aufeis Depths: Up to 3 feet in small patches at mile 21
Road Open to: Mile 13.5
Equipment Status: The D7R dozer will be coming in for a quick injector seal change. The older D7 dozer will be used while the Auto Shop is performing its magic.
Current Weather Forecast
Current Weather at HQ: 16 above and mostly sunny
Wildlife Sightings: Nothing today
Notes/Observations/Comments: Machinery will be removing the ice on the road at mile 14 soon. We are making preparations for warmer than average temps and potential flooding.
Above: The grader winging off snow, heading eastbound mile 19. Notice how deep some of the drifting is, relative to the large piece of machinery. Photo courtesy Caribou Air Service/Dennis Miller
March 27, 2017
Last updated: March 27, 2017