Current Plow Crew Work Locations: The crew made it to Sanctuary River today. Both upper and lower Hogan had little to no ice in the drainages. Sanctuary Flats however had ice over 2/3 the length of the road or roughly 1/4 of a mile. The depth ranged from six inches to a foot, with most of the running water on the western end near the campground. Unfortunately, most of the culverts are towards the eastern side of the flats. Luckily one of the culverts was receiving heavy water flow directly in front of it and the steam crew was able to repair the broken steam pipe after a moose had used it as a scratching post. In past years this area has seen higher amounts of ice and some crew members recall three feet of ice over the entire stretch of Sanctuary flats. So this ice is not abnormal by any means.
Steam Crew Locations: 4, 5, 7, 16.5, and 22 mile Snow Depths: 1'-2' Deepest encountered was 3 feet in the ditch
Aufeis Depths: Up to 3 feet in small patches at mile 21
Road Open to Public Traffic: Mountain Vista
Equipment Status: All is well. Thanks to the Auto Shop
Road Crew Staff On-Duty Today: Paul Franke, Bob James, Tom Howarth, Seth France, Austin Kinser
Current Weather Forecast (With the oddest special statement I've ever seen).
Current Weather at HQ: 19 above and mostly sunny
Wildlife Sightings: 4 Caribou at mile 15
Notes/Observations/Comments: Weather permitting, we hope to open the road to Savage River next Thursday after more ice is removed from the pavement and the restrooms are serviced. Have a great weekend
March 23, 2017
Last updated: March 23, 2017