- Road Fully Plowed To Mile 15
- Road Open to Public Traffic: Mt. Vista
- Current Weather Forecast
Savage River Bridge. The official start date for SRO was yesterday but with this weekends snow fall today is the first day we will be plowing west of the pavement. The crew finished all road work on the pavement early this morning and should make it to the top of Primrose and possibly beyond by the end of today.
Steam Crew Locations
Don't start until tomorrow
Snow Depths
A report of 10 additional inches of snow fell over the weekend. Depth of snow beyond mile 15 is unknown at time of writing
Aufeis Depths
6 inches over the road at mile 14
Equipment Status
All is well. Thanks auto shop
Road Crew Staff On-Duty Today
Paul Franke, Martin Weiner, Bob James
Current Weather at HQ
As of 9:00 am 10 above and 33 more to go. Sunny and clear with no winds
Wildlife Sightings
Just people
With the warm forecast we expect to see a diminishing snow pack and possible increased ice creation.