
A series of interesting birds found at the park
L to R: Montezuma Quail; Vermillion Flycatcher; Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher; Arizona Woodpecker

NPS Photos


World Class Birding

Birds abound at Coronado National Memorial. Certain varieties are migratory, while others can be seen throughout the year.

A bird checklist is available to help identify many of the different species in the park. Bring your "bins" and plan for a bird filled day, featuring the finest Southeast Arizona has to offer. You may see a Greater Roadrunner, Montezuma Quail, Mexican Jay, Cooper's Hawk, Scott's Oriole, Painted Redstart, Summer and Hepatic Tanager, Vermillion Flycatcher, Pyrrohuloxia, a wide variety of hummingbirds and warblers and much, much more.


Citizen Science = People Power

Have you heard of citizen science?
Increasingly, parks, museums, and other organizations are collecting valuable science information with the help of people who aren’t necessarily trained as professional scientists. Staff are collecting bird sightings and adding data to eBird (Cornell Lab of Orinthology and National Audobon Society) to provide basic information on bird abundance and distribution in the park.

A tool for birders, critical data for scientists

Join in the collection of bird sighting data and share what you have seen while in the park. Feel free to tell a ranger at the visitor center what you saw and we will add your sighting to a list to share with future visitors. Be sure to start using to record species seen at Coronado National Memorial!


Last updated: June 24, 2024

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Mailing Address:

4101 E Montezuma Canyon Road
Hereford, AZ 85615


520 366-5515

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