You are here: Contributors Reference > CommonSpot Workspace > Customizable Left Panel > SEO > SEO Page Grade View

SEO Page Grade View

Use this panel to view how the current page performs against your page grading rules and ranking factors. Access this view by picking Page Grade from the View dropdown in the SEO left pane.

CommonSpot displays the overall SEO grade for the current page balanced against keywords for which the page is targeted with the

Keywords: Read only. Returns page grade for the keyword(s) displayed.

Overall Page Grade: Displays the total score for the page/keyword combination.

View Details: Click this link to display a complete grade report for the current page.

Rules For: Filters rules by content type. Pick from the dropdown to filter for URL, Metadata, or Content rules.

CommonSpot displays results for the content type you select and provides recommendations for deficient rules on mouseover.


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