Edit Saved Multimedia Search

This dialog displays when you choose Multimedia from the Create Saved Search dialog.

You can use multiple object attributes as search criteria to refine multimedia searches. This dialog is divided into expandable sections containing options for refining your search. Click the plus + to expand or minus - to collapse sections. Optionally click Expand or Collapse All. CommonSpot displays a green check mark for sections containing advanced search criteria.

Click the Save icon at the bottom of the dialog for searches you use often so that you do not have to recreate them. Note that you can share saved searches. See the Contributor's Reference for details.

Set Search Criteria:

Note that you can use custom criteria to limit the number of child subsites searched, as described below.

Use the Expired option to define criteria for viewing expired files.

  1. Field - Select the field to search against in the Field dropdown. The values you can select are "Language", "Creation Date", "Last Modification Date", "Last Major Modification Date", "Publication Date", "Subsite", "Category", "Keywords", "Owner", "Format", "Parent Template", "File Name", "Title", or "Description".
  2. Operator - Select the operator (greater than, equal to, within, and the like) from the Operator field. The operators in this dropdown depend upon what you selected in the Field dropdown list.
  3. Value - Enter or select a value. The values available here depend on your selection in the Field dropdown list.
  4. AND/OR - If you are searching for multiple criteria, set the AND or OR operator between each criteria line.
  5. Parentheses - If you need to group criteria, use parentheses to define logic; for example, "(A or B) and C". Select parentheses from the unlabeled dropdowns that begin and end a set of criteria. To futher refine more complex criteria, you can select 1, 2, or 3 parentheses. For example, "((A or B) and C) or D".

    Note that selecting subsite criteria, as shown below,

    and then including child subsites gives you the additional option of limiting the number of subsite levels to search. Use this feature for less resource-intensive processing and more relevant search results when running queries for subsites with many children.

    Optionally click Remove All Custom Criteria to clear the form.

Save searches by clicking Save, or, for edited searches, use the Save As option at the bottom of the dialog. The Save - Saved Search As dialog displays.

Click View Results to execute your search. Results display in the Choose or Find Multimedia Search Results dialog, or, if you filtered by playlist, in the Choose or Find Playlist Search Results dialog. Click Cancel to exit without executing or saving your criteria.


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You can download PDF versions of the Content Contributor's, Administrator's, and Elements Reference documents from the support section of paperthin.com (requires login).

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