You are here: Administrators Reference > Site Administration > Taxonomy > Manage Taxonomy

Manage Taxonomy

The Manage Taxonomy dialog lists all descriptive information for all available taxonomy records, available actions for the current taxonomy, and options for adding or importing new taxonomies for your site.

Click to sort by column head, or choose from the following options.

Manage Taxonomy option


Edit Taxonomy. For each taxonomy listed, the Actions column displays the following options:

  • Edit Taxonomy Properties - Opens the Edit Taxonomy Properties dialog for viewing or changing taxonomy name, version, and description.
  • Edit Facets & Terms - Opens the Edit Taxonomy Facets & Terms dialog for viewing or selecting existing facets, viewing existing terms hierarchically or alphabetically, or adding new facets and terms (instead of updating and re-importing the XML file).
  • Browse Taxonomy - Opens the Browse Taxonomy dialog to display all imported terms, as well as any existing data associations.
  • Manage Removed Terms - Displays if re-importing a taxonomy or manually removing terms breaks current associations with CommonSpot data. Use this option to reassign CommonSpot data to current terms. Once you create new associations for orphan data, this option no longer displays
  • Import Taxonomy - Opens the Import New Taxonomy dialog for updating the current taxonomy. Updating instead of replacing an existing taxonomy preserves all current associations between CommonSpot data and taxonomy terms.
  • Download Taxonomy - Opens or saves the taxonomy file.


Displays for active/inactive taxonomies. Click to change state.


Click the Work in Progress (WIP) indicator to:

  • Publish Changes - Save changes to the current taxonomy.
  • Discard Changes - Exit without saving changes to the current taxonomy.

Click to delete the current taxonomy. A confirmation dialog displays. This action deletes the current taxonomy and removes all existing data associations. Note: This action is not reversible. Click OK to complete deletion, or Cancel to exit without deleting.


Add New Taxonomy

Opens the Create Taxonomy dialog for naming and creating a new, empty taxonomy record.

Import New Taxonomy

Opens a dialog for importing a new vocabulary for your site and generating a new taxonomy record.


Related Links

Edit Taxonomy Properties

Browse Taxonomy

Edit Taxonomy Facets & Terms

Manage Removed Terms

Import New Taxonomy

Create Taxonomy

Delete Taxonomy

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