You are here: Administrators Reference > Site Administration > Social Media > Integrating Twitter and CommonSpot

Integrating Twitter and CommonSpot

This release of CommonSpot supports creating, scheduling, and managing Twitter posts within CommonSpot. To set up communication between these platforms you must have an active Twitter developer account and create a CommonSpot-specific login.

  1. Login to using your twitter account credentials.
  2. Hover over your username on the right-hand side to display the dropdown and pick My applications ( ).
  3. Click the Create a new application button (
  4. Complete the Application Details section. Note: The app name displays in the tweet details, so make this label appropriate and meaningful.
  5. Enter your site URL in the Website field, for example,
  6. In the Callback URL field enter the site URL with the redirect path in the form:

    [your website url]/[commonspot site name]/loader.cfm?csmodule=components%2Fsocial-media%2Ftwitter%2Fservice-redirect

  7. For example, enter

    Mouseover to view larger

  8. Accept the terms and conditions, verify the captcha characters, then click the Create your twitter application button. The Details page of the new application displays.
  9. Click the Settings tab. In the Application Type section set Access to Read and Write and save it.

  10. In the Details tab, scroll down to the Oauth Settings section and copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Enter these values in Commonspot Site Admin - Social Media Services. Click the edit icon for the Twitter service, enter the Consumer ID and Consumer Secret properties, and save.

    Mouseover to view larger


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You can download PDF versions of the Content Contributor's, Administrator's, and Elements Reference documents from the support section of (requires login).

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