You are here: Administrators Reference > Server and Customer Administration > Customer Administration > Utilities > Notification Feeds > Add Notification Feed

Add Notification Feed

Access this dialog from Customer Administration - Utilities - Notification Feeds to create or modify new feeds for your site. Feeds enabled through this dialog are available through the Notification indicators on the CommonSpot menu bar.

Complete the following fields:

Name: Required. Enter the name that displays for the feed in the Notifications dialog.

Description: Optionally enter addtional information about this feed. Description text displays in Notification Feeds.

Feed URL:  Required. Enter the feed source as a fully qualified URL, as shown above.

Archive URL: If the feed maintains an archive, you can optionally enter the archive URL. The archive link displays in the Notifications dialog.

Update Frequency: Required. Indicate how often to update the feed, in hours. Enter a whole number.

Feed State: Sets initial status for this feed:


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