Residency Programs - Dune Shacks of the Peaked Hill Bars Historic District

CScape Shack
C-Scape dune shack, Provincetown

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The Dune Shacks of Peaked Hill Bars Historic District is a 1900-acre National Register district significant for its association with the historic development of art and literature in America; for its representation of a rare, fragile property type; and for its association with the poet Harry Kemp. It has long been a place of inspiration, contemplation, creativity, and solitude.

Since the mid-1990s, the National Park Service has had agreements with non-profit organizations that offer artist-in-residence and writer-in-residence programs in the historic dune shacks. In addition to these opportunities, there may be additional residencies available including architecture, engineering, science, cultural/historic, dance, music, and journalism.

For more information, please contact the organizations listed below.

Provincetown Community Compact: Art and writing residencies

Outer Cape Artists in Residency Consortium: Art Residencies

Peaked Hill Trust Residency Program for the Arts and Sciences

Last updated: December 18, 2024

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99 Marconi Site Road
Wellfleet, MA 02667


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