
Restaurant view
The Chisos Mountains Lodge restaurant is located at the base of Casa Grande peak.

Chisos Mountains Lodge

The Chisos Mountains Lodge, operated by Aramark, is nestled within the Chisos Basin at 5,400 feet elevation. The lodge offers a variety of rooms and cottages, plus a gift shop, camper store, and dining room. The lodge is open year-round, and is the only lodging available within Big Bend National Park.

  • Online Reservations and Information:www.chisosmountainslodge.com
  • Reservations, cancellations, modifications, information:
    Weekdays 8:00a-6:00p, Weekends 9:00a-5:30p: (855)-765-1324
  • 432-477-2291 for general information.
Area Lodging Options
There are a variety of other accommodations available outside of Big Bend National Park. A list of accomodations is available at VisitBigBend.com.

Pardon Our Dust!

Work on two large construction projects in the Chisos Basin will begin in late Summer 2025 and continue for approximately two years. Disruptions in visitor access to the Chisos Basin area of the park are expected. Stay tuned as construction timelines are finalized and the NPS determines allowable visitor access to the Basin during construction.

Chisos Basin Improvement Projects

Last updated: February 14, 2025

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

PO Box 129
Big Bend National Park, TX 79834-0129



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