Part of a series of articles titled Wildland Fire - Learning In Depth.
Previous: Learning about Fire Ecology Basics
Next: Wildland Fire Behavior
Evidence of free-burning fire has been found in petrified wood and coal deposits formed as early as the Paleozoic Era, approximately 350 million years before present.
Likewise, fire is a cultural phenomenon. It probably was the first product of nature that humans learned to control. Early societies used fire to kill and collect insects and small game for food; as a tool to clear land for agricultural activities; as a communication device to create smoke for signaling; and as a weapon against enemies. More recently, beginning with the industrial revolution, humans harnessed fire in engines to power machinery.
Initially, lightning was the spark that ignited fires. Later, once humans learned to initiate fire, its occurrence became much more widespread. Today, approximately 10 percent of all wildland fires in the United States are started by lightning strikes, and the remainder are caused by humans.
Unquestionably, fire greatly affects the earth’s natural environment and ultimately results in significant evolutionary change. However, such change cannot be fully understood until the process of fire itself is understood.
Part of a series of articles titled Wildland Fire - Learning In Depth.
Previous: Learning about Fire Ecology Basics
Next: Wildland Fire Behavior
Last updated: March 15, 2024