
Water Quality | A Look at the Water Quality of the Wekiva

Wild and Scenic River

Reporting Cycle

Miles by Water Quality Classification

Listed Impairments



Good: 0

Impaired: 24.9

Unassessed: 19.5

Mercury in Fish Tissue; Nutrients; Dissolved Oxygen

Wild and Scenic Rivers, like all rivers, are protected under the Clean Water Act, which requires states to establish water quality standards for waters within their jurisdiction. Every two years, states are required to report whether these standards are being met. In 2018, NPS compiled information from the most recent state assessments to identify the water quality status of all designated Wild and Scenic Rivers. Based on the information available at the time, NPS determined that roughly 44% of all Wild and Scenic River miles did not meet their water quality standards, with temperature, mercury, and metals being the most common causes of impairment. Want to learn more about Wild and Scenic River water quality? Read the full report found on the website.

All Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers work hard to maintain and improve the water quality in their watershed, and the Wekiva is no exception. The work of local, county, State and federal partners and local landowners with the Wekiva Wild and Scenic River Management Advisory Committee cannot be overstated. The Wekiva River is a Florida Aquatic Preserve, and much of its surrounding lands are public (over 70,000 acres); therefore, owned and managed by county and state entities. The sound management of these riparian lands and the Wekiva and its tributaries would not be possible without the outstanding work of the surrounding local and state partners and managers including the water management districts, county officials, FL DEP, conservation groups and more. Additionally, the Friends of Wekiva members and Wekiva WSR Management Advisory Committee have been involved for the last five years on a basin management action plan along with local counties and managers. A full list of the Wild and Scenic management team and partners is available on the Wekiva’s website.

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Last updated: October 29, 2020