
Robert Hinsdale Interview

young man in sailor uniform
Robert Hinsdale was drafted into the Navy, and many of his siblings also served during World War II.

Robert Hinsdale

Robert E. Hinsdale grew up in Lenawee County, Michigan, where he participated in Future Farmers of America, traveled with the school band, and worked at a bomb parts factory before getting drafted for WWII. After joining the Navy, finishing boot camp, and getting shipped to Pearl Harbor, Hinsdale was assigned to the USS Pensacola where he worked on Turret 4 for the duration of the war.

This two-part interview discusses Hinsdale’s experiences during various bombardments across the Pacific theater, daily life and chores aboard ship, weather conditions, information on various battles, a description of a burial at sea and information on various guns and ammunition used on the Pensacola.

Aleutian Islands World War II National Historic Area

Last updated: August 5, 2022