
Plan Like A Park Ranger - Top 10 Tips for Visiting Olympic National Park

Forest of moss-covered trees with ferns in the foreground.
Moss-covered Bigleaf maple trees in the Hoh Rain Forest

NPS Photo - Noah Linck

Summer is here! There are countless opportunities for adventure, fun, sightseeing, and solitude in Olympic National Park. From the lush canopy of the temperate rain forests and old-growth forests, to the sandy beaches of the wild coast, or the majestic overlooks of rugged, glacier-capped mountains—Olympic has a great deal to offer. But many national parks, including Olympic, are expecting an especially busy season in 2022. Therefore, trip planning is more critical than ever to help you make the most out of your visit.

So what’s the best way to enjoy Olympic National Park? Know before you go! Here are our Top Ten insider tips for making the most out of your visit.

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Top 10 Tips For Your Next Visit

Last updated: April 19, 2024