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Event ID: 8937 Book: Arizpe Page Number: 4v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 08/23/1794 Event Place: Arizpe
Josef María Rafael Maximiano
En la parroquia de la Capital de Arizpe a los veinte y tres días de agosto de mil setecientos noventa y cuatro años, Yo, el Cura, Vicar, y Juez Eclesiastico de este partido Don José Cayetano Salcido, bauticé … exorcise y puse los santos oleos y crisma a un niño español nacido el día veinte y uno de dicho mes a la una de la mañana, a quien puse por nombre Josef María Rafael Mximiano, hijo legítimo y de ligítimo matrimonio de Don Alonzo Tresierra y Cano, Teniente Letrado por Su Majestad é Intendente Gobernador Politico Interino de estas Provincia de Sonora y Sinaloa, natural de la Villa de Chiclana, Obispado de Cádiz, y de Doña María del Rosario Quintana y Peralta, natural de la Villa de Agreda, Obispado de Tarazona en los Reinos de Castilla. Abuelos paternos Don Nicolás Tresierra, ya difunto, natural de la Ciudad de Cádiz, y Doña Ysabel Aragón Cano, natural de la dicha Villa de Chiclana. Abuelos maternos Don Miguel Alonzo de Quintana, natural de la citada Villa de Agreda, y Doña Victoria Peralta, ya difunta, natural de la Ciudad de Victoria en los Reinos de Castilla. Fueron sus padrinos Don Cristóbal de Angusta y Cano y Doña Ana María de Anza, vecinos de esta Ciudad, a quientes advertí el parentesco espiritual y la obligación de enseñarselo que convenga para ser buen Cristiano. Y por que conste lo firmé
José Cayetano Salcido (rúbrica)

Josef María Rafael Maximiano
In the parish of the Capital of Arizpe on the 23rd day of August of the year 1794 años, I, the priest, vicar, and ecclesiastic judge of this jurisdiction, Don Josef Cayetano Salcido, baptized … adjured and anointed with the holy oil and Chrism a Spanish male child born on the 21st day of the said month at one o’clock in the morning, whom I gave the name Josef María Rafael Maximiano, the legitimate son of the legitimate marriage of Don Alonzo Tresierra y Cano, lettered deputy for His Majesty, interim political Intendent Governor of these provinces of Sonora and Sinaloa, native of the village de Chiclana, Bishopric de Cádiz, and Doña María del Rosario Quintana y Peralta, native of the village of Agreda, Bishopric of Tarazona in the Kingdom of Castile. Paternal grandparents are Don Nicolás Tresierra, previously deceased, native of the City of Cádiz, and Doña Ysabel Aragón Cano, native of the said Village of Chiclana. Maternal grandparents are Don Miguel Alonzo de Quintana, native of the said village of Agreda, y Doña Victoria Peralta, already deceased, native of the City of Victoria in the Kingdom of Castile. His godparents were Don Cristóbal de Angusta y Cano and Doña Ana María de Anza, residents of this City, whom I advised of the spiritual relationship and obligation to teach him to be a good Christian. In certification of which I signed.
José Cayetano Salcido (rubric)
Event Relationship [10 Records]

Personal ID: 6778 Given Name: José Cayetano Surname: Salcido Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 9616 Given Name: Alonso Surname: Tresierra y Cano Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 9617 Given Name: María del Rosario Surname: Quintana y Peralta Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 9704 Given Name: Ana María de Surname: Ansa Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 24898 Given Name: José María Rafael Maximiano Surname: Tresierra Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24899 Given Name: Nicolás Surname: Tresierra Relationship: Paternal Grandfather
Personal ID: 24900 Given Name: Isabel Surname: Aragón Cano Relationship: Paternal Grandmother
Personal ID: 24901 Given Name: Miguel Alonzo de Surname: Quintana Relationship: Maternal Grandfather
Personal ID: 24902 Given Name: Victoria Surname: Peralta Relationship: Maternal Grandmother
Personal ID: 24903 Given Name: Cristóbal Surname: Angusto y Cano Relationship: Godfather
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