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Event ID: 7566 Book: AGI, Contratación 5670 Page Number: 36-37, 139
Event: Burial Event Date: 02/09/1772 Event Place: Vera Cruz
En la nueva ciudad de la Vera Cruz en diez de Febrero de mil setecientos setenta y dos, el Exelentísimo Señor Don Juan Fernando de Palacio, Comendador de Barra en el Orden de Santiago, Teniente General de los Reales Ejércitos, Gobernador Politico y Militar de esta plaza, Castellano de la Real Fuerza de San Juan de Ulua, y Juez Conservador de todos los ramos de Real Hacienda, dijo: Se le acaba de dar parte que el Coronel Don Juan Claudio de Pineda falleció la noche del día ayer ...

In the new city of Vera Cruz on February 10, 1772, the Most Excellent Lord Don Juan Fernando de Palacio, Knight of the Shield in the Order of Santiago, Lieutenant General of the Royal Armies, Political and Military Governor of this garrison, Warden of the Royal Fortress of San Juan de Ulua, and Judge Conservator of all the departments of the Royal Exchequer, said: He has determined to give notice that Colonel Don Juan Claudio de Pineda died last night ...

Presidente y oidores de la Real Audiencia de Contratas de Bienes de esta Ciudad de Cádiz: Al jusgado ordinario eclesiastico de Valencia, hacemos saver que estando para venir a España el Coronel Don Juan Claudio de Pineda, falleció a las nueve de Febrero de este año...(1772)

President and judges of the Royal Court of trade goods of this city of Cádiz. To the ordinary ecclesiastic tribunal of Valencia: We are given to understand that, while traveling to Spain, Colonel Don Juan Claudio de Pineda died on February 9th of this year (1772) …
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 19849 Given Name: Juan Claudio de Surname: Pineda Relationship: Deceased
Personal ID: 19850 Given Name: Miguel de Surname: Pineda Relationship: Father of the deceased
Personal ID: 19851 Given Name: Ana Surname: Gomez Relationship: Mother of the deceased
Personal ID: 19852 Given Name: Francisco Joaquín de Surname: Pineda Relationship: Brother of the deceased
Personal ID: 19853 Given Name: Josefa de Surname: Pineda Relationship: Sister of the deceased
Personal ID: 19854 Given Name: María Ursula de Surname: Pineda Relationship: Sister of the deceased
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