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Credit Municipio de Janos, Chihuahua
Event ID: 7563 Book: Janos-M Page Number: 13v
Event: Marriage Event Date: 04/09/1744 Event Place: Janos
Año de mil setesientos y cuarenta y cuatro en nuebe de abril, casé a Santiago Griego con Ricarda María de los Dolores Laynes Martínez, hija de Don Diego Laines Martínez, y de María Fernández de Ribera. A suplica del Señor Capitán con carta del Señor Cura previas las diligencias canónical, mandadas por el Santo Concilio de Trento (trina festibu diebus admoniciones premissa ynter misatum solemnia). Testigos Joseph Antonio de la Torre y Don Joseph Díaz del Carpio, Capitán Vitalicio de éste Real Presidio, y el Alférez Francisco Griego y Juan Antonio Madrid. = Juan Miguel Turbili (rúbrica)

In the year of 1744 on April 9th, I married Santiago Griego and Ricarda María de los Dolores Laynes Martínez, daughter of Don Diego Laines Martínez and María Fernández de Ribera, at the request of the Lord Captain with a letter from the Lord Priest, the canonical requirements mandated by the Holy Council of Trent having preceded (trina festibu diebus admoniciones premissa ynter misatum solemnia). Witnesses were Joseph Antonio de la Torre and Don Joseph Díaz del Carpio, Captian for Life of this Royal Presidio, and Alvérez Francisco Griego and Juan Antonio Madrid. = Juan Miguel Turbilia (rubric)
Event Relationship [8 Records]

Personal ID: 5382 Given Name: José Surname: Diaz del Carpio Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 18436 Given Name: Francisco Xavier Surname: Griego Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 18498 Given Name: Diego Surname: Lainez Martinez Relationship: Father of the bride
Personal ID: 18499 Given Name: María Surname: Fernandez de Rivera Relationship: Mother of the bride
Personal ID: 18564 Given Name: Ricarda María de los Dolores Surname: Lainez Martinez Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 18733 Given Name: Juan Miguel de Surname: Turbili Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 19264 Given Name: Santiago Surname: Griego Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 19844 Given Name: José Antonio de la Surname: Torre Relationship: Witness
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