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Credit Archive Diocese of Tucson
Event ID: 4484 Book: Tumacácori Page Number: 94
Event: Marriage Event Date: 11/28/1772 Event Place: Tumacácori
Notes: 27 - Tumacácori, Ignacio con Juana
En veinte y ocho días del mes de noviembre del presente año de mil setecientos setenta y dos se casaron infacie ecclesiae como lo dispone el Santo Concilio de Trento, en este pueblo de Tumacácori, Ignacio, boyero, viudo de Ana María, con Juana, soltera de nacion Papago. Fueron testigos Miguel Antonio Becera, Gobernador, y Joseph, el Alcalde. Y para que conste lo firmé en el dicho pueblo, mes, y año. = Fray Bartholome Ximeno (rúbrica)

27 - Tumacácori, Ignacio and Juana
On the 28th day of the month of November in the present year of 1772, Ignacio the ox driver, widower of Ana María, and Juana, a single lady of the Papago nation, were married in church ceremony according to the mandates of the Holy Council of Trent in this village of Tumacácori. Witnesses were Governor Antonio Becera and Alcalde Joseph. In certification of the same I signed in the said village, in the said month and year. = Bartholome Ximeno (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 2722 Given Name: Miguel Antonio Surname: Bezerra Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 4837 Given Name: Bartolomé Surname: Ximeno Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 9665 Given Name: Ana María Surname: Relationship: First Wife
Personal ID: 9666 Given Name: Ignacio Surname: Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 11448 Given Name: Juana Surname: Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 11449 Given Name: José Surname: Relationship: Witness
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