
Humans have called St. John home for over 3000 years. The tools of Archeology allow us to uncover stories of the past. Indigenous Taino people left behind traces of their religion and their complex social structure. Artifacts and ruins from the Danish colonial era dot the island, giving us a glimpse into the lives the enslaved people who built them.

Remember, each artifact on the island is a crucial piece of the puzzle for archeologists and historians to understand the past. Want to help us discover more of St. John's history? Here is a page that explains what to do if you find an artifact during your visit.

To learn more, check out the articles below and uncover the history of Virgin Islands National Park!

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    Last updated: December 20, 2021

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    Mailing Address:

    1300 Cruz Bay Creek
    St. John, VI 00830


    340 776-6201
    Headquarters/Visitor Center phone contact Information. Visitor Center hours Monday-Thursday 8:15 to 4:00 and Friday 8:15 to 1:30.

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