Vicksburg National Cemetery Stabilization Project

Black plastic tarp covers an area with grass and trees around it. Trees in the background. A gravestone is visible on the right side of the image
Affected area of Section T in Vicksburg National Cemetery

NPS Photo

Project Overview

A multi-year, multi-phase project to stabilize portions of Vicksburg National Cemetery in Vicksburg National Military Park began in April 2023 to address grave disturbances and erosion caused by severe weather events in 2020 and 2021.  Beginning in January 2020, unprecedented rainfall caused extreme erosion, road loss, sinkholes and severe landslides at Vicksburg National Military Park and the National Cemetery. This weather event impacted historically significant landscapes, including burial sites in the national cemetery. Additional storm activity in 2021 contributed to further impacts. 

The park began the stabilization project by temporarily relocating 102 endangered burials starting in Spring 2023 and will construct a soldier pile and lagging wall in early 2025 to prevent further erosion. Once stabilization is complete, the park will conduct a respectful reinterment process and complete other mitigation measures. The NPS has committed approximately $4.686 million for the first two phases of this project.

The National Cemetery is open to pedestrians; however, it is closed to vehicles. The project area within the National Cemetery is closed to the public.


Current Status

Map labeled as Vicksburg National Cemetery. It shows roads and markings to indicate sloped terraces. Letters are used to label sections of the cemetery. In the upper left is a red box labeled landslide area.
Map of location of landslide in Vicksburg National Cemetery

NPS image


Emergency burial recovery: Work began in April 2023 and was completed in April 2024.

Short-Term Stabilization: Construction is to begin after completion of the Burial Recovery. Work projected to begin in 2025.

Mitigation: Preliminary mitigation measures began in November 2022 and are ongoing.


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    Last updated: May 28, 2024

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