Distance Learning, Science Labs, Student Activities

Who gives a Hoot about Owls

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
State Standards:
3rd Grade-SCI.3.10.1
4th Grade-SCI.4.11.1, SCI.4.11.2
5th Grade-SCI.5.14.1, SCI.5.15.1, SCI.5.15.3
2nd Grade-2.LS1.1, 2.LS1.2, 2.LS2.1
3rd Grade-3.LS1.1, 3.LS4.2
4th Grade-4.LS2.2

A vital player in the food web found at Russell Cave, owls are a great example of nocturnal predators. These birds of prey have specific body modifications that make them the perfect hunting machine in the night. Here at Russell Cave, we have three species found on park property, each with their own unique skills and adaptive traits. This program will discuss the part that owls play in the circle of life and end with a dissection of a real owl pellet. Through the dissection, students will not only get to practice the scientific method but also learn about just some of the prey the owls keep in check.   

Below find a list of key terms to be gone over in the classroom before the ranger visit. Also included is a pre-visit activity to introduce students to the concept of food chains and food webs. After the ranger visit, students will be given the post-visit activity to complete. A pre-stamped envelope will be left with the teacher so that these activities can be mailed back to Russell Cave after completion.  


Find a list of key terms and phrases for students to review before the ranger visit.

Download Key Terms

This worksheet and activity introduces students to food chains and food webs.

Download Pre-Visit Worksheet

After working with the ranger, this activity will encourage students to think about animal adaptations.

Download Post-Visit Worksheet

Last updated: May 27, 2020