Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2014702914/
The National Park Service cares for over 400 parks, historic sites, seashores, trails, and more. Other important places include those listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Many places on the National Register are affiliated with women’s history. This website offers information about how to visit these places in person or digitally explore using interactive tools like StoryMaps.
Discover the stories of women like Mary Ann Shadd Cary, an African American activist, writer, teacher, and lawyer, or Ruth Asawa who went on to become a sculptor after she was forcibly interned during World War II at the Rohwer War Relocation Center. Explore places associated with women--some famous and some lesser-known--who made outstanding achievements in fields such as art, science, education, business, industrial design, civil rights, philanthropy, medicine, and many other endeavors.
Discover Women's Places of...
Migration & Immigration
Discover migration and immigration stories of force, exploration, and growth.
Engaging with the Environment
Discover stories of environmental exploration and conservation.
Developing the American Economy
Discover places of industry and resourcefulness.
Shaping the Political Landscape
Discover places where women shaped policies and institutions.
Art, Culture, & Education
Discover stories of creativity and learning.
Science and Technology
Discover places of ingenuity and innovation.
Last updated: April 10, 2019