Toolkit: Learn and Engage

Toolkit home > Learn and Engage

It's hard to keep up-to-date with the latest news and information regarding a topic as complex as climate change. We've provided here a number of ways to stay involved with learning about climate change in national parks.

There are a number of training opportunities opportunities offered by the National Park Service and other organizations that are particularly relevant to climate change communication. Check them out!
Social Media
NPS logo

NPS Climate Change Accounts
The National Park Service Climate Change Response Program administers social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter. You can also check them out on on Youtube and Flickr.

NOAA logo

NOAA Accounts
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) maintains climate-related social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter.

NASA social media icon

NASA Climate Change Accounts
NASA's climate change team runs their effective Facebook and Twitter accounts; additional content is available from

Webinar Series
The Climate Change in America's National Parks webinar series is presented by the NPS Climate Change Response Program. The purpose of the series is to connect NPS employees, volunteers, and partners with scientists and experts in the field of climate change research. The webinar series is a Service-wide forum where researchers can share credible, up-to-date information and research materials about the impacts of changing climate in national parks and provide participants the opportunity to engage with them in discussion. If you would like to be added to the webinar mailing list you can email us.
Newsletter thumbnail
The Climate Change Response Program newsletter is currently released quarterly; an archive going back to 2009 is available on the Useful Resources page outside of the toolkit. This newsletter typically highlights new climate change research occurring in national parks, as well as new climate interpretation products and examples of climate adaptation and mitigation. You can sign up to the newsletter if you e-mail us.
Other web sites
There are a number of third-party websites that contain good information related to climate change. The RealClimate blog has commentary by climate scientists on current stories and Skeptical Science provides answers to common climate change myths. Climate Interpreter is a community of science education practicioners featuring resources and training about climate change.

Last updated: September 20, 2016


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