Young Bess Wallace, Young Harry Truman, handwriting background.


The Dear Bess and Dear Harry Podcast, from Harry S Truman National Historic Site

Harry S Truman

From Harry S Truman National Historic Site; a chance to share some of the stories associated with Harry Truman, Bess W. Truman and their times. We will share letters written between Harry Truman, Bess Wallace Truman, Margaret Truman, and others. We will link to digital versions of the letters in case you'd like to see them. You may need to refresh the page for the latest episode.


Dear Bess: August 18, 1924


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for August 18, 2023, brought to you by Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

Today’s Dear Bess letter was written by Harry S Truman on this date in 1924. It’s an interesting letter for a few reasons. For one, it’s the only surviving Dear Bess letter from 1924. In that year, Harry Truman suffered an electoral defeat when he lost re-election for county judge for Jackson County, Missouri. But there was some happiness in his life in 1924, in that he and Mrs. Truman welcomed their only child, Mary Margaret Truman, born in February. Also in 1924, Mrs. Truman’s grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Emery Gates, who owned the family home at 219 North Delaware Street, died. Mrs. Gates’ daughter, Mrs. Madge Gates Wallace, Bess Truman’s mother, ended up buying the house and owned it until her death.

Thanks for listening. Here’s the letter.

Hotel Connor, Joplin, Missouri

August 18 1924

Dear Bess:

I hesitated a long time over the salutation and finally stuck to the old much used and really the best one. You might accidentally leave the opening statement exposed and someone would be sure to say we were a couple of idiots if I should start off "Dear Hon" or "Sweetie" or "Honey Bunch" or a half-dozen equally descriptive and proper words.

James and I had a very satisfactory trip and would have been here by nine o'clock had we not run into a small chuckhole and broken a front spring. The hole was not half as large as forty or fifty we'd been over before but the old spring broke right in the center just as completely as if it had been sawed with a hack saw, every leaf. I had another put on this morning for $7.50, half of which Jimmy insists on standing so I won't be out so awful much, might have broken it if I'd stayed home. We had to make a detour and I went through Lamar, the first time I've been there since I was a year old. I couldn't see much change in the town except that Pop's old livery stable apparently is a garage now.

The convention opened with a bang. The mayor turned the town over to us, and a Hebrew gentlemen by the name of Herowitz read an address from Governor Hyde. We accused him of writing it himself but he said he didn't. I told him I didn't think Hyde could write as good a speech as that. We are invited out to a chicken dinner at the club tonight. It is strictly stag so don't get uneasy. Jimmy is trying to get the state headquarters moved to Independence but I don't think it can be done. It looks as if Carl Grey will be the next commander. George Cowls is here. I saw Ralph a little bit ago. He's taken the pledge--says he's not drinking any more. I hope it sticks. I was pretty homesick last night and am yet. I'd like mighty well to see Miss Mary Margaret Skinny Fatty Sweetness, etc. ad lib. right this minute. It's peculiar how your own wife and children grow on you, isn't it?

I hope to see you Thursday about noon or two o'clock.

Your Harry

The only surviving Dear Bess letter from 1924. Harry Truman suffered an electoral loss that year, but had a daughter. He references visiting the town in which he was born, Lamar, Missouri, on his way to an American Legion conference in Joplin.

Dear Bess: August 14, 1911


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for August 14, 2023, brought to you by Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

If this is the first time you’ve dialed up this podcast series, the intent is to share with you some of the extraordinary letters that Harry S Truman and Bess Wallace Truman exchanged between 1910 and 1959. While, unfortunately, most of Mrs. Truman’s share of these letters have been lost, it’s believed that all of Mr. Truman’s survives.

Today’s letter was written on this date in 1911 by Harry S Truman, then a farmer, working on his family’s farm near Grandview, Missouri. In August, 1911, Harry Truman was still in his first year of courting Miss Bess Wallace, who was living in her grandparents’ home in Independence. This is one of our favorite Dear Bess letters. There is so much that is wonderful in this letter, but the last paragraph is a gem. Harry Truman was intent on doing everything to win the heart of Miss Wallace, who was known as one of the best athletes in Independence. He offered to build her a tennis court somewhere on the farm in Grandview. Where, exactly? We don’t know. Would this effort bear fruit? Stay tuned!

Thanks for listening. Here’s the letter.

Grandview, Mo. Aug. 14, 1911

Dear Bessie:- Got your letter yesterday but came near not getting it after it arrived. Nellie went after the mail and she decided that I shouldn't have it or anything else. I finally wheedled her out of it. They have been having a big time. We had fourteen for dinner yesterday. Almost threshing day. Everybody helped some though and it wasn't so hard. Say, I had the -est (you can put any adjective you think strong enough) time getting home you ever read.

The southbound train stood on the siding in Noel until my train passed because a freight was off the track. I got to Sulphur at 12:00 P.M. and of course had to stay over. Next morning I decided I'd get you some films down there if I could because I couldn't get to Kansas City in time. Well after going to three places (as many miles apart) I got them and was very thankful I tell you. Then I thought I'd come on home, for if the train was on time I could still see to the clover seed. Well it came into Sulphur one hour late but made up some time to Joplin-but about twenty-five or thirty miles this side of Pittsburg a freight train ran off the track while trying to get in the clear for us and we sat there three hours. I got home at 9:00 P.M. Maybe you think I didn't wish I'd stayed. I've been kicking myself ever since because I didn't. Sorry you didn't get your hay ride. It must have been some fierce booze if it was the Arkansas variety that Frank used. I feel sorry for him. I hope he's well now. I sure do want to see those pictures and would like to have some of them if you'll let me pay for 'em.

Will you please send me the plan for a tennis court. I am going to try and make one. We have a dandy place for it. Wish you could all come out in the machine while all these girls are here. If I get my court built you can come out Saturday afternoons and play in the shade all the time. I was very glad you enjoyed the eggs, and am glad I took them if it caused such a good feeling toward me afterwards. I am going to try and get in toward the end of the week, will call you up from the city if it is all right. Write when you can as I always like to hear from you.

Sincerely, Harry

A charming letter from the first year of the Harry Truman/ Bess Wallace courtship.

Near the end of the letter, Truman offers to build Miss Wallace a tennis court. It's an attempt to get her to come to the Grandview farm more often. Will it work? Stay tuned.

Dear Bess: August 9, 1946


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast, for August 9, 2023. This series is brought to you by Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service. Our park turned 40 years old this year…we couldn’t do what we do without your support, and we thank you.

Today’s Dear Bess letter was written by President Harry S Truman on this date in 1946. It’s not a long letter, but a sweet one. It’s so clear that President Truman, writing to his First Lady, back home in Independence, is still mad about her, and misses her very much. And you can easily tell that the president’s mother, Mrs. Martha Ellen Truman, is not well, and her son is worried. Truman hints at a family dynamic…we wish we knew a bit more about this intriguing line.

Thanks for listening. Here’s the letter.

The White House Washington [/letterhead] August 9, 1946

Dear Bess:-

Two letters today! Made it very bright and happy. You know that there is no busier person than your old man--but he's never too busy or too rushed to let his lady love, the only one he ever had, hear from him no matter what portends. It hurts just a tiny bit when he finds that trips uptown, time to dress etc. interfere with letters from his lady love. But complaints never got anyone anywhere--so "as the fates decide." I am enclosing you a letter from Mrs. Hill, the doctor's ma-in-law. It is a good thank you note. I didn't acknowledge it. I don't know if it should be.

Thanks for the ten. If you need it I'll send it back. Glad Dr. Greene went to see Mamma. She is on the way out. It can't be helped; but I wish it could. She's a trial to Mary, and that can't be helped either. Wish you could be more patient with both. But I can't ask too much I guess.

Had a press conference today which was a honey. They asked me about Slaughter, Axtell and everything else including Jim Mead, Palestine, Jim Byrnes, Schwellenbach, Anderson and who would win in the 5th district of Mo in November and who would be Governor of New York. Will send you a copy of the questions and answers when I get it tomorrow.

Can't leave here until next Friday. Told you yesterday what I hoped to do. Puerto Rico is off. Kiss my baby--she ought to write her daddy I think. My best to your mother, Frank, George, Natalie, May and –

Lots of love to you


A brief, but charming letter from a President of the United States to his First Lady, who he is still crazy about! This letter is a fantastic blend of personal matters and state matters, reflective of the lives of the Trumans.

Dear Bess: August 1, 1943


Hello, and welcome to the Dear Bess and Dear Harry podcast for August 1, 2023, brought to you by Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

Today’s letter, a brief one, was written by Senator Harry S Truman on this date in 1943, 80 years ago. Senator Truman was in Omaha, Nebraska, and was writing to his wife, who was home in Independence, Missouri.

Of course, by 1943, Senator and Mrs. Truman had the ability to talk by phone…they had done that since they had begun courting in 1910. But they remained bound by writing letters to each other, being 19th century persons at heart. But even if they just wrote about the mundane things they did that day, that was more than enough…and that is more than enough for us, today!

It’s a brief letter, but, nonetheless, we thought you’d like to hear it on its anniversary.

As always, thanks for listening. Here’s the letter.

Hotel Fontenelle


Aug. 1, 1943

Dear Bess:-

I told you about the first day of the tour. Got [inserted: up} at six yesterday and just barely caught the seven o'clock Chicago Great Western to St. Joe. Road a very pleasant air conditioned day coach with two seats all to myself and the old thing pulled into Joseph on time. Joe Healey and Theo Quinn met me at the station and took me to the Federal Court Room, where Judge Otis performed the ceremony of administering the oath. All the antis were there including Mr. Clark and the president of the St. Joe Bar Assn. who fought Dick to a standstill.

I think that Mrs. Duncan and I enjoyed the show as much as Dick did. Had an afternoon session with the Legion boys and accumulated some extra funds and then took a nap. The banquet was a grand success. Bennett stayed sober and made a very grand statement on his position on Dick. I think he made some friends. I went to bed at 10:30 got up at one walked twelve blocks to the station (no cabs on Sat night) went to bed again on the train at 2:15 and had another four hours sleep. Will get two more here before we leave. The booking man took care of my big grip and I'm hoping it's here. Hope you all had a nice trip home. Love to you Harry

A brief letter, from on this date in 1943. Senator Harry S Truman (D-Missouri) is in Omaha, Nebraska, writing to his wife, back home in Independence, Missouri.

Although brief, letters like this can still provide valuable insight into the daily lives of Mr. and Mrs. Truman.

Dear Harry: July 17, 1923


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for July 17, 2023, brought to you by Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

We have a treat for you today…a Dear Harry letter. They’re rare.

Why are they rare? Well, as Margaret Truman told the story in her 1950s autobiography, called Souvenir, one day former president Harry S Truman came home one day from his office in Kansas City (this was before the Truman Library was finished) and he found his wife, Bess, burning some papers in a fireplace in their home. After asking her what she was doing, she replied, and he, in turn implored his wife to “think of history.” She told her husband, “I have.” To this day, we really don’t know all of what Mrs. Truman burned in her fireplace. But we know that she burned most of her letters to her husband from when they were courting, between, likely, 1910 and 1919. Many years later, when Mrs. Margaret Truman Daniel published her wonderful Bess W. Truman, she quoted some letters that gave readers hints that she, indeed, had at least some letters that her mother wrote to her father. The earliest known letter from Bess Wallace to Harry Truman is from early 1919. We thank Margaret Truman and her sons for sharing these letters with us, and with history.

This letter is postmarked July 17, 1923, and includes persons important to the Trumans’ story. Truman himself was at Fort Leavenworth training. (Major Harry Truman was in his fourth year serving in the Army Reserves.) Mrs. Truman makes reference to Ted Marks, a friend of the family, who served as Harry Truman’s best man at their wedding June 28, 1919. She also makes reference to Eddie Jacobson, who Truman had befriended while training to serve in the Great War, and had opened a haberdashery in Kansas City. Mr. Jacobson played an instrumental role in the Truman administration’s decision in recognizing Israel in 1948. All these relationships were so important, you see.

Here's the letter.

Tuesday - noon Dear Old Sweetness: My! But I was glad to get that letter this morning. And it sure was a nice one - about the nicest I ever had. I'm glad you are so beautifully settled and are getting such excellent food. That was some breakfast! You'll have to be pretty strenuous to keep that front down. You certainly had a grand dinner at Tonganoxie. I wished all evening I had gone on with you. You weren't a bit "home sicker" than I was, I can tell you that. Thank goodness two nights are gone. Eddie called up this a.m. He was at Ted's and they wanted to go up to see you, and he wanted to know what you said about coming up and I told him to go on any day after six, so you may see them on Friday. I'd give my head to go -maybe he will ask me yet. The Swifts got off to Colorado early yesterday morning. He started that old car right on the dot of five o'clock - and I lay there in bed and watched them get ready. I wouldn't have missed seeing Mrs. Swift in knickers for a hundred dollars. Called Dr. Berry this morning - (the pictures came yesterday.) He said there were two he believed should come out - one back one and one front - (just on the side). He couldn't tell just how bad they were but that they might be secreting poison. I'm going up tomorrow and maybe have the big one and wisdom one out. There's no use putting it off. My temp. hasn't run over 99 for the last four or five days. Ho! Natalie and I spent all of yesterday morning in K.C. The sweater sale made a hit. We only bought three - one for her, one for Miss Rose and one for Mother. How did the map-reading class come out? Well, it's awfully darned lonesome but I know you are going to get lots of good out of the trip - and I'm glad too that you are taking it by yourself for I am sure you needed to get away from everything and everybody. Believe me I'll be up there if I can get there for you don't want to see me any worse than I want to you. I'm going to town to mail this so you will get it tomorrow.

Loads of love, Devotedly, Bess

A wonderful rarity for you today, a Dear Harry letter. Not many letters from Bess Wallace Truman survive, so it's a blessing to be able to share them with you when we can. She wrote this letter to her husband 100 years ago today.

Dear Bess: July 14, 1913


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for July 14, 2023, brought to you by Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

Today’s Dear Bess letter was written on this date in 1913…110 years ago! Lots of sweetness in this letter…we thought you’d like to hear it.

As always, we thank you for listening. Here’s the letter.

Grandview July 14, 1913

Dear Bess:

I came very nearly being in your burg again today. A delegation of roadseekers went to see the court this morning. They wanted Papa but he was nowhere to be found until the very last minute. I had my glad rags on but got left at the post. We are supposed to be helping two different men to thresh this morning. I sent one of them an empty wagon minus the team and the other two teams and wagons. Not playing any favorites but the man with two teams asked first. It's a nuisance to have so many neighbors to help. It's mighty fine when the help comes the other way. We usually have about three days threshing at home and then thresh for thirty days at the neighbors to pay them back. It's a grand system if you like to work.

My head feels like a barrel this A.M. I had it doped out to stay in bed till 10:00 A.M., but my dope wasn't worth a cent. Six is as long as I was allowed to stay in peace. Had to go to the phone and then I just stayed up. I sure do pity a boozer on the morning after. I suppose in addition to the barrel for a head, he'd probably have a taste in his mouth like a burnt boot. At least I've heard them remark that it resembled that article. I can think of no more disagreeable taste, especially if the boot happened to be rubber and tastes as it smells when cooked. I know one fellow who used to drink ink and coal oil to allay the burning thirst of the next day.

I suppose you are exercising a tennis racket today, that is if you saved Luke's scalp. It would be rather windy for a game out here. I guess the breeze must be blowing about forty miles an hour. It's hot, too. We are hoping for rain. I guess we'll get some in a short time – the flies are working overtime.

This stationery you are complimenting so highly is a Christmas present from Mary Colgan. I have had it in a box in the desk and just ran across it the other day. I wasn't especially fond of it but would have used it sooner if I'd known it was here. I gave her a grand lecture on where to buy stationery about two days before Christmas in an accidental conversation on the subject, telling her how much nicer the Jaccard brand is than any other in town. I suppose she had this already on hand and decided I should take it anyway. I did Ethel the same way once and she had bought me some at Peck's and had it monogrammed. I felt like thirty cents when it came. I usually show my knowledge of things where it will do me the least good and make me feel like a fool afterwards. We used to have a Dane working for us who said his mother told him to see, hear, and say nawthing. It's a most excellent theory but mighty hard to practice. I sometimes feel as if I'd surely explode if I didn't get some bright remark off my chest. Nine times in ten I'd feel better afterwards to have been silent.

I hope we can arrange to go fishing with Agnes and Earl some nice day soon. Also I think we have a date to ride over to Excelsior Springs some evening when the weather's fine. I have not forgotten it. Also there is one important date you haven't filled yet. It is with a photographer. I am still hoping for the picture to go in my silver frame. I am hoping to see you some evening this week if we don't thresh too strenuously. You owe me a tablecloth-sized letter anyway.

Most sincerely, Harry

110 years ago today...a charming letter!

Dear Bess: July 12, 1911


Welcome to the Dear Bess, Dear Harry podcast and videocast for July 12, 2023, brought to you by Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

Today we would like to share with you what is perhaps the greatest of the Dear Bess letters, written on this date in 1911. For a little context…a few days earlier, Harry Truman, in a letter to Miss Bess Wallace, had essentially proposed marriage, asking her if she would consider wearing a solitaire diamond on her left hand. To Truman’s worry, he only received silence from Miss Wallace in Independence. Truman was worried that he had hurt or lost Miss Wallace. It had been, after all, just a few months since Harry Truman and Bess Wallace had begun courting.

Miss Wallace turned him down. We don’t know if it was by letter or by phone. None of Miss Wallace’s letters from this period to Harry Truman survive. But this response to Miss Wallace is a true gem. We thought you’d like to hear it.

Grandview, Mo.

July 12, 1911

Dear Bessie:

You know that you turned me down so easy that I am almost happy anyway. I never was fool enough to think that a girl like you could ever care for a fellow like me but I couldn't help telling you how I felt. I have always wanted you to have some fine, rich, good-looking man, but I knew that if ever I got the chance I'd tell you how I felt even if I didn't even get to say another word to you. What makes me feel real good is that you were good enough to answer me seriously and not make fun of me anyway. You know when a fellow tells a girl all his heart and she makes a joke of it I suppose it would be the awfulest feeling in the world. You see I never had any desire to say such things to anyone else. All my girl friends think I am a cheerful idiot and a confirmed old bach. They really don't know the reason nor ever will. I have been so afraid you were not even going to let me be your good friend. To be even in that class is something. You may think I'll get over it as all boys do. I guess I am something of a freak myself. I really never had any desire to make love to a girl just for the fun of it, and you have always been the reason. I have never met a girl in my life that you were not the first to be compared with her, to see wherein she was lacking and she always was.

Please don't think I am talking nonsense or bosh, for if ever I told the truth I am telling it now and I'll never tell such things to anyone else or bother you with them again. I have always been more idealist than practical anyway, so I really never expected any reward for loving you. I shall always hope though.

As I said before I am more than glad to be your good friend for that is more than I expected. So when I come down there Saturday (which I'll do if I don't hear from you) I'll not put on any hangdog airs but will try to be the same old Harry.

You need not be afraid of bumping the proprieties with me. You couldn't. So send your package along. My new book has come and it is a dandy. A Hindu myth and really fine I think. I sent you Mollie Make Believe by Nellie this time. I hope you got it.

I was at the stockyards yesterday and a fellow offered to buy a bank down here in the south part of the county if I'd run it. I don't know if I could be a banker or not. You know a man has to be real stingy and save every one-cent stamp he can. Then sometimes he has to take advantage of adverse conditions and sell a good man out. That is one reason I like being a farmer. Even if you do have to work like a coon you know that you are not grinding the life out of someone else to live yourself. Still if this man makes the call loud enough, as the preacher said, I may take it. I can stay at home and help run the farm anyway.

Don't you know of some way to make it rain? We need it so badly that if it does not come it will be a real calamity. They say it rains on the just and the unjust alike but it is certainly passing some of us this year. Twenty miles south they have had plenty.

I hope you will continue your good letters as I really enjoy them and will try to answer them to the best of my ability, and although I may sometimes remind you of how I feel toward you I'll try and not bore you to death with it.

Very sincerely, Harry

One of the, if not the greatest of the "Dear Bess" letters, written by Harry S Truman to Bess Wallace, after Miss Wallace turned down his proposal of marriage. Once again, Truman pours his heart out to Miss Wallace.

Dear Bess: July 7, 1913


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry v-cast for July 7 2023, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

Today’s Dear Bess letter was written by Harry S Truman, Farmer, in this date in 1913, 110 years ago today. Lots of wonderful information in this letter. In this letter, Truman again relates the challenges of traveling in the region, visiting the dentist, and challenges with phone service. We can still relate to much of this today.

In this letter, too, Truman mentions not only his mother, but Miss Wallace’s mother as well. It’s not too often that Martha Ellen Truman and Madge Wallace are in the same letter! Truman mentions his brother and sister in law, John Vivian and Louella Truman, and some of their kids…do you note a touch of jealousy here? And the Noland cousins from Independence make an appearance as well. As you can see and hear, there is a powerful family dynamic at work here…one of the reasons we appreciate having these letters.

As always, thanks for listening.

Dodson, Missouri July 7, 1913

Dear Bess:

I caught that train this morning by nearly as narrow a margine as we did yesterday. It was across the track when I got off the car. The agent remarked that I was making trains on the minute this summer. To tell you the truth I was not caring much if I missed it. I wanted to go down in town and see the Kodak man and incidentally let Dr. Miller try his luck on my other wisdom molar. According to Mr. Blair, I will be in a very poor way indeed when I lose that one. It will be three. You know I can't afford to part with much wisdom and still run loose. Tell your mother that Mary said she answered the phone last night and Central said that the girl at Independence refuses to connect again. We have been getting most ornery service since March. I haven't paid the bill for the last three months and I don't think I shall. I was mighty sorry your mother got worried about us last night. You tell her that I am a very lucky person and that accidents never happen to me when I have company and am off the Blue Ridge farm. It is only when I am in argument with obstreperous cows and calves that I get worsted. Do you suppose she'll ever let you come again? I hope she will if you enjoyed it, for I certainly had a very pleasant day. If ever I gain credit enough to own an auto then we can arrive on time. Papa and Aileen beat Mary and Bill one game and then got beat one. You see you were the expert in the other games. Did you go to the city today? We are all pleased this morning, I guess, and are satisfied that biting flies mean wet weather.

Aileen hasn't gone home yet. Mary is going to drive her to Dodson this afternoon. I suppose she likes our place as a summer resort, even if the country round about is infested with some very conceited men.

You sure made a hit with the countryside yesterday everyone I saw this morning when I got off the train wanted to know who the nice looking girl was that was with me yesterday.

Myra and Roy were here just after we left and so were Vivian and Luella. Mamma said she went out to help them unload the babies and they didn't have them. Mrs. Campbell and Callie had been to Vivians and taken the kids home with them. Mamma told them if they didn't have the babies they could just drive on and they did. I think Mamma is more dippy over those kids than she ever was over her own and that's putting it very strong.

I could have kicked myself last night for being so considerate of my dear cousins. They had a caller over there and he never left for fully twenty minutes after I arrived. It was John M. Chier. He's a lot better looking than he was when I knew him. I tried to think of something nice to say to him about Ethel and Nellie but the best I could do was to tell what a grand cranberry cook Nellie is. She said she was going to go over and tell your mother what a good for nothing piece of humanity I am and get me ordered out the next time I came. I told her she had a mean disposition anyway but she should at least let me hear what she said.

I hope to see you Sunday if not sooner and you owe the letter.

Most sincerely, Harry

Here's your $. Thanks awfully for it.

What a wonderful Dear Bess letter, written 110 years ago today.

So much family in this letter!

Dear Bess: June 28, 1957


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast and v-cast for June 28, 2023, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

We would like to share with you one of our most favorite Dear Bess letters today. It’s also one of the last known to have been written. Former President Harry S Truman wrote this letter on June 28, 1957, on the Trumans’ 38th wedding anniversary.

Harry Truman and Bess Wallace met in 1890 at a Presbyterian Sunday School in Independence, Missouri. Truman fell in love immediately, and carried that love for decades. It wasn’t until June 28, 1919, that Truman married Elizabeth Virginia Wallace, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Independence. They would be married for 53 years…perhaps the greatest presidential love story of all time. And Truman chronicles their married life in this letter. We’d like to share it with you today.

Happy Anniversary, President and Mrs. Truman, from all of us.

[June 28, 1957. Envelope addressed "To: Mrs. Harry S. Truman. From: H.S.T. No. 38."]

June 28, 1920 One happy year.

June 28, 1921 Going very well.

June 28, 1922 Broke and in a bad way.

June 28, 1923 Eatern Judge. Eating.

June 28, 1924 Daughter 4 mo. old.

June 28, 1925 Out of a job.

June 28, 1926 Still out of a job.

June 28, 1927 Presiding Judge - eating again.

June 28, 1928 All going well. Piano. Al Smith.

June 28, 1929 Panic, in October

June 28, 1930 Depression. Still going.

June 28, 1931 Six-year old daughter

June 28, 1932 Roads finished.

June 28, 1933 Employment Director.

June 28, 1934 Buildings finished. Ran for the Senate

June 28, 1935 U.S. Senator. Gunston.

June 28, 1936 Resolutions Philadelphia. Roosevelt reelected.

June 28, 1937 Grand time in Washington

June 28, 1938 Very happy time. Margie 14.

June 28, 1939 Named legislation.

June 28, 1940 Senate fight coming [sic].

June 28, 1941 Special Senate Committee. Margie wants to sing.

June 28, 1942 Also a happy time.

June 28, 1943 Lots of work.

June 28, 1944 Talk of V.P. Bad business.

June 28, 1945 V.P. & President. War End.

June 28, 1946 Margie graduate & singer. 80th Congress.

June 28, 1947 Marshall Plan & Greece & Turkey. A grand time 28th Anniversary.

June 28, 1948 A terrible campaign. Happy day.

June 28, 1949 President again. Another happy day.

June 28, 1950 Korea - a terrible time

June 28, 1951 Key West - a very happy day

June 28, 1952 All happy. Finish, Jan. 20, 1953.

June 28, 1953 Back home. Lots of Roses.

June 28, 1954 A happy 35th.

June 28, 1955 All cut up but still happy.

June 28, 1956 A great day - more elation.

June 28, 1957 Well here we are again, as Harry Jobes would say.

Only 37 to go for the diamond jubilee! H.S.T.

Not only is this one of the last known "Dear Bess" letters, it is also one of the sweetest. Written on their 38th anniversary, Harry Truman chronicles their wonderful marriage. Those who have been in long term relationships can relate to some of the ups and downs that Truman remembers.

Dear Bess: June 12, 1945


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for June 12, 2023, a service for you from Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

This particular Dear Bess letter was written by President Harry S Truman on this date in 1945. That date marked Truman’s two month anniversary as President, and the two month anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt’s death.

Harry Truman didn’t really want to be president…he would have been content remaining in the Senate, finishing the term he won in 1940, and perhaps serving one more. But he accepted the Vice Presidency in 1944, and was duly elected.

Also affecting Truman deeply was his wife and daughter’s recent departure from the White House. First Lady Bess Wallace Truman went home to Independence to, among other things, supervise some maintenance work on their home at 219 North Delaware Street. It was in dire need of work, with paint peeling, wood rotting…and now it was the home of the President of the United States. (Except that it legally belonged to his mother-in-law, Mrs. Madge Gates Wallace.) It was during this rehab work that the house likely got its first white paint job…and, in fact, it gained the nickname “The Summer White House.”

As always, thanks for listening. Here’s the letter.

The White House June 12, 1945

Dear Bess:

Just two months ago today, I was a reasonably happy and contented Vice President. Maybe you can remember that far back too. But things have changed so much it hardly seems real.

I sit here in this old house and work on foreign affairs, read reports, and work on speeches--all the while listening to the ghosts walk up and down the hallway and even right in here in the study. The floors pop and the drapes move back and forth--I can just imagine old Andy and Teddy having an argument over Franklin. Or James Buchanan and Franklin Pierce deciding which was the more useless to the country. And when Millard Fillmore and Chester Arthur join in for place and show the din is almost unbearable. But I still get some work done.

Hope the weather lets up and you will be able to do some work on the house. The Gibson boy should have been taken care of long ago. I'll see what's happened. I'm not able to do as many things for my friends now as I did when I was just a dirty organization Democrat and a County Judge.

Guess you and Helen will have a grand time. Hope you do. We are working on Dr. Wallace. Glad everybody was in his right mind at the family party. Undoubtedly they were walking the straight and narrow for your mother. But I'm sure you had a nice time anyway.

That address mixed up is causing me some embarrassment (if that's the way you spell that blushing word). I addressed a letter to you at 4701 Conn. Ave, Independence, MO., and another one 219 North Delaware, Washington, D.C. Now it seems I sent one to the Nolands. The boys in the House here didn't catch that one but they did the other two. I'll have Reathal attend to the chores you suggest. I haven't seen her but twice since you left. She comes in after I go over to the office, usually goes out to lunch and doesn't come back until I am gone again and then goes home before I get over here. Had Charlie Ross and Rosenman to lunch yesterday. We worked on my San Francisco speech. That date is postponed until next week now on account of the slow windup and Gen. Eisenhower's visit. Write me when you can--I hope every day.

Lots of love, Harry

Glad you saw Mamma and Mary

President Harry S Truman wrote this letter to his wife, the new First Lady, on this date in 1945, on his two-month anniversary as President. Mrs. Truman and Margaret had recently returned home to Independence, Missouri to, among other things, do work to make their home look good, knowing that it now had the eyes of the world.

Dear Bess: June 8, 1950


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for June 8, 2023, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, in Independence and Grandview Missouri. Thank you for listening…this year our park marks its 40th anniversary. We are humbled that the American people have entrusted us with these incredible stories and resources.

Today’s “Dear Bess” letter was written on this date in 1950. President Harry S Truman wrote to his wife, First Lady Bess Wallace Truman, from a hotel in St. Louis.

It’s a short letter, but has a few interesting tidbits. President Truman refers to a porch…he is referring to a newly-extended porch at their home in Independence, at 219 North Delaware Street. When you visit today, you begin your tour on that same porch. The family extended the porch in 1950, for more room. For privacy, the family allowed the shrubs to grow a little higher, particularly on the north side.

Truman also refers to Mrs. Truman’s mother, Mrs. Madge Gates Wallace. 88 years old at the time of the letter, Mrs. Wallace’s health was failing. Mrs. Wallace preferred to be home in Independence, where she spent half the year. Dr. Wallace Graham, technically General Wallace Graham, was Truman’s physician. He provided medical care for many in the Truman family, including Mrs. Wallace. Towards the end of her life, Mrs. Wallace had many health challenges, and was under the special care of Dr. Graham. Mother Wallace died in December, 1952, just weeks before her son-in-law left the White House. She was 90 years old. Born during the Civil War, she died in the age of atomic weapons and television. Thanks for listening. Here’s the letter.

[New Hotel Jefferson, St. Louis, Mo.] June 8, 1950

Dear Bess:

This hotel pen is the one you read about in the funnies. It has made three or four blots and no doubt will make a dozen more before I'm done.

Had a grand flight as I told you and have finish with the politicos. Have been over my Dr.'s Degree speech, talked to Roy Harper, Mary, Ralph and now expect to go to bed when I have finished this note.

Louis' Margaret came out with us to see her mother. Sullivan, Karst and Karsten the three St. Louis congressmen came out with me too. You've never seen three more happy and grateful men. Their records are 100% and I wanted to show my appreciation.

The pictures of the porch are grand. Wish I could sit on it with you and hold your hand.

My farmer nephews seem to have been written up in the Post Dispatch. Haven't seen the article but from all reports it is good. The P.D. must have had an aberartion [sic]!

Dr. Graham will see your mother tomorrow. Hope she's all right.

Say hello to the family.

Lots of love Harry.

I ought to send you this pen!

A short letter, but with a lot in it.

President Truman, in St. Louis, writes to his wife, on the other end of the state, home in Independence, Missouri. Even in 1950, their letters are important to them.

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