Young Bess Wallace, Young Harry Truman, handwriting background.


The Dear Bess and Dear Harry Podcast, from Harry S Truman National Historic Site

Harry S Truman

From Harry S Truman National Historic Site; a chance to share some of the stories associated with Harry Truman, Bess W. Truman and their times. We will share letters written between Harry Truman, Bess Wallace Truman, Margaret Truman, and others. We will link to digital versions of the letters in case you'd like to see them. You may need to refresh the page for the latest episode.


Dear Harry: December 10, 1938


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for December 10, 2021, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

Today we wish to share with you one of the relatively few “Dear Harry” letters that Bess Wallace Truman wrote to her husband Harry, this time from December 10, 1938. It’s unfortunate that Mrs. Truman destroyed most of her correspondence with Mr. Truman, but we certainly understand her personal desire of privacy. In this time before emails and text messages, and when long distance calls were expensive, letters were an inexpensive way to keep in touch. And it was simply a part of their world.

December 10, 1938

[Independence, Mo.]

Dear Harry- You will be a bit surprised to find this waiting for you no doubt. I don't know whether you meant you were starting for N.O. on Sunday or would arrive-so am getting it off in time. Thanks for the stamps-I judged you wanted them used.

Wasn't that a tricky Christmas card from the Shields-Was it in with the table-cloth? Am mighty anxious to see the cloth-am glad you didn't feel too badly stung on the duty.

Marg & I went to K.C. yesterday & bought her evening dress. She is wild about it but I'm afraid it will hurt your eyes.

Bud called up last night-He and Sharon are in K.C. on their way west-B. to Denver & S. to Dodge City-They are coming out tomorrow for a short visit.

Hope it's nice & warm in N.O.-It's chilly here but more pleasant than that warm weather was-

I got some nice cologne in attractive bottles at Wooly's for the girls & will send them to Vic & ask him to "distribute" them. (Writing on a soft magazine has its difficulties.)

Have a good time and hurry home-

Love- Bess

In one of the relatively few "Dear Harry" letters, Mrs. Bess Truman updates her husband Harry with some of the latest happenings in Independence, while Senator Truman is en route to New Orleans.

Oh, how we wish we had more of Mrs. Truman's letters!

A digital copy of the original is here:

Dear Bess: December 7, 1941


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site and the National Park Service.

We have a special letter for you today, with a special date, December 7, 1941. Senator Harry S Truman wrote this letter to his wife Bess Wallace Truman before he learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. After hearing the news, Senator Truman rushed to St. Louis to secure a flight to Washington, DC. It was an intense trip for Senator Truman, but he was able to return to the Nation’s capital in time to hear President Franklin D. Roosevelt refer to December 7, 1941, as a “date which will live in infamy.” Senator Truman then voted “aye” to declare war on Japan.

Today we wish to pause and remember the casualties of Pearl Harbor and the other installations attacked 80 years ago today. They shall always be remembered. This letter by Senator Truman represents a world lost on December 7, 1941.

Pennant Hotel Columbia, Mo.

December 7, 1941

Dear Bess:

Well it was very good to talk with you this morning. Roy and I went to breakfast immediately afterwards, looked over the hanger across the road, took a walk toward Columbia, and then he left for Springfield. I've had lunch and a nap and have been reading last night's Star and Journal along with today's Post-Dispatch and Globe Democrat. It's funny how things change around in thirteen months. I'm on the front pages of the Kansas City Star, St. Louis Star-Times, and Kansas City Journal for yesterday and am on the front page of the Post-Dispatch editorial section for today and mentioned in about three or four other places in the other parts of the paper and the Globe.

Had a nice visit with the family and with Mamma and Mary. Went over to see Aunt Ella and Nellie and Ethel. Do you know that they have never been to see Mamma since she was hurt? I don't understand 'em. I've saved their jobs and their location on two specific occasions and I'd do it again, but I think they should at least have shown some personal interest in the old lady I'm most interested in, don't you? Your mother looks fine and so do they all. I saw everybody but didn't get to call Mrs. Souter because I got your letter from Hinde as I left town and was halfway to Columbia before I read the instruction to call her. Frank said that Albert is going to stay in the OH house. He was having dinner with Frank and Nat the evening I had dinner with your mother.

I am just about to go back to bed again and get more sleep. That ought to put me in condition to meet the situation from noon tomorrow until Tuesday midnight. Hope you and Margie enjoyed the day. Kiss her for me.

Love to you, Harry.

A special letter on this anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Senator Harry S Truman was gradually returning to Washington following traveling to Colorado for a funeral of a friend. He briefly stopped and visited his family in Independence, and wrote this letter from a hotel in Columbia, Missouri. He quickly returned to Washington.

Dear Bess: December 2, 1912


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for December 2, 2021, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site and the National Park Service.

Today, we would like to share with you a letter from this date in 1912, in which Harry S Truman discusses the upcoming Christmas holiday with his sweetheart, Miss Bess Wallace, in Independence. Harry Truman loved Christmas, but you sense some worry that he cannot afford to do what he wants for Miss Wallace. Have you ever felt that way? If so, please take comfort that Truman did over a century ago.

Dear Bess: [Dec. 2, 1912]

Here goes for two letters from you this week, see? I'll admit that one of yours is worth two or maybe half dozen of mine still it's a bad precedent to make. Therefore I'm expecting a letter from you tomorrow also Friday. I just wonder if expectations will amount to anything. You see my paper has finally arrived. Mary brought it out. The blooming stuff is as big as a tablecloth and looks like wedding invitations. I guess they put one over on Mary and gave her more than usual for the money. You know that's customary at all jewelry stores. I suppose you are in town today causing a flurry in the mark for presents. You ought to do as I do make a flying trip on the day before the 25th at about 9:30 PM and avoid the rush. I told Myra that is I were in her place I'd give six of those seven casserols of hers for presents and then she'd have no shopping whatever to do. The main thing would be to be careful and not return them to the original purchasers. That sure would cause a disturbance but it might save her money at future Christmas times. There is only one present that causes me any worry whatsoever and of course you could never guess which one that is. I have in mind a limousine a rope of pearls or some other equally inexpensive little trinket that could be bought for somewhere around $2.98. That's the trouble of being born with multimillionaire tastes without the dough. My main ability is to spend cash not to make it. If some gold old malefactor of great wealth would only employ me as his disbursing agent I'm sure I could give him a most tasteful example of how to get rid of his money with the least possible effort and to the greatest possible good to the largest number particularly my friends, enemies and acquaintances. What I need is a guardian or something of the kind as a sort of balance to my insane desire to get rid of what I make. I am doing better than formerly but not so well as I should. I guess as Dicie said we only live once so why not go the limit within the law and good morals. (Which I fear is not so very far.)

This is a most misleading and unsatisfactory document but I'm going to let it go. Maybe you can tell what's not so and what is. The main thing is that you owe me two letters and I want em also you which seems a very very big word doesn't it. Let's hope I get em all in due season. There's another reason I should be a Wall Street Baron. Maybe you'd make a good guardian you never know til you try anyway. I'm doing my level best to get a lot of change gut as Miss Brown says His Majesty has a hand in most things and he usually takes money as his share. Be sure and send those letters. This is wash day and the boilers leakin so I've got to go now.

Most sincerely, Harry

In this letter from 1912, Harry S Truman muses about Christmas, and hints that he wishes he could do better for Miss Bess Wallace, his love, who lives in Independence, Missouri.

Dear Bess: November 29, 1913


Hello and welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for November 29, 2021, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service. Today’s letter from Harry S Truman to Miss Bess Wallace is from this date in 1913. In this letter, we hear the names of some of the hired help from the Truman Farm. This is sort of rare, because in these pre-Social Security days, it was rare for employment records be kept, and we have no good list of the non-family employees who worked on the Farm. And Truman writes about his sister, Mary Jane, and a beau she was waiting for. Mary Jane Truman was born on the family farm in 1889, and was the last of the Truman siblings to survive, dying in 1978. Mary Jane Truman was a beautiful woman in every possible way. And as we enter into the holiday season, it’s fascinating to hear of Mr. Truman musing about what he can get Miss Wallace that is worthy of her and the holiday.

Grandview Nov. 29, 1913

Dear Bess:

I got your letter this morning. I was sure glad to get it. I suppose you are on your way to the City of the Platte. (Which really means Buenos Ayres.) You must not forget to mail me a card from that burg, so that Miss Duvall will speedily discover her mistake. I have made up my mind to stay home on Sunday in order to help with the evening work. It will be the first Sunday that the men leave and you know my staying at home will look grand to daddy until he sees your card from Platte City.

The Noland girls have never said anything sassy to me about you. They are well aware that they'd better hadn't I guess. They always talk to me as if they were of the same opinion that I am regarding you.

The hired men are paid off. They beat me badly when I paid them. Wornall hadn't had a settlement since July. He had over forty dollars coming. The other fellow got thirty dollars. Just think what a lot of Christmas presents that would have bought. I wish I knew what you want for Christmas. My brain refuses the task of thinking up something really worthwhile and within my financial ability. Were I a Jawn D. [Rockefeller], there'd be no trouble whatever. There's autos and jewelry and most anything in a millionaire's line, but there are so few things an ordinary person can get that are really worthwhile. Maybe I'll have an inspiration of some kind before midnight, December 24. You may get anything from a needle to a threshing machine. I could use a threshing machine in my own business. It might be good policy to give you one. It is said that a man to be absolutely ornery must own one and a fiddle. I haven't reached either yet.

Mary's in an awful stew. Her Pleasant Hill beau has written that he'll be here one day this week. Today is all that's left, and she's got someone else for tonight I think. Then there are three extra people and I bought her the wrong kind of cheese for the sandwiches. I guess she'll be a wreck by Sunday evening. I told her I am going to stay home tomorrow evening and she said she knew I'd stay till 4:00 P.M. Won't she be surprised. You might send me about an eight- or ten-page note for this and I'll try and send you a good letter Wednesday.

Most sincerely, Harry

In this Dear Bess letter, we hear about paying farmhands, Mary Jane Truman's social life, and Harry Truman wishing he had the ability to buy a fancy Christmas present for Miss Wallace.

A digital copy of the original is here:

Dear Bess: November 26, 1912


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for November 26, 2021 , a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service. We have an intriguing letter for you today, written on this day in 1912. Harry Truman’s mind is in several places in this letter. But it includes a powerful description of the hard life on the family farm in Grandview. And Truman weaves in some classical references, showing the solid education he received in Independence. We thought you’d like to hear it.

Grandview, Mo. [Nov. 26, 1912]

Dear Bess:

I am going to get this one off on time or bust a hamstring. That is a classic expression because that said string holds the key to the whole set of harness. If it breaks, away go the horses and you stand in the road. Also it is the last piece of harness to break. It is either very rotten when it breaks or the rest of the harness is very strong. I've spoiled my excessive effort but I'll get the letter off.

It was well I left when I did the other evening because that car was uptown. It is a "most" uncertain quantity. No wonder people swear at the Met. They had a transfer out Sunday which said that the car ride is the cheapest thing in town and gets more knocks. A man will go to dinner and tip the waiter for five rides and then whip the con when his transfer is overdue. Mr. Ed Howe of Atchison was the composer of that. I suppose the Met will give him a life pass for it. They ought to. I wish I were a railroad attorney or some other kind of grafter so I could ride free. The depot agent at Grandview has worked for the Frisco thirty years. He gets a pass for himself and wife over the whole system for the balance of his days. He's only fifty, so he can ride some thousands of miles yet. He says he's going to California December 1 and stay a month and then to Penn. and stay a month and then go to work again. I really don't believe, though, I'd want to be a station agent until I was fifty in order to get a pass. Rather be something else. Section boss for instance. I guess I'll be a clodhopper and pay the grafters. That's his privilege.

I have to write this on the installment plan, as usual Papa keeps wanting something. Also he's anxious for me to get to work. We are going to haul some tons of hay today. It is a backbreaking job. Fine exercise though. I just wish I could get some of these white hopes and black champs in on the usual routine farm exercise. You'd hear them howl about being stale and overdone along about four o'clock the first day. They'd do their country and also their morals much better service if they spent their time producing something with their tall muscular force. I hate a prize fighter worse than a packing-house employee. They are both butchers and barbarians under the hide. Worshippers of Woden I guess. Anyway they attempt to imitate Thor when he drank an ocean of booze.

Which makes me remember that there was a Latin Bible called the Vulgate which King James used in his translation along with the Septuagint and Hebrew. I am not writing an essay or connected letter - my trains of thought are scattered as were those of Mr. Brian O'Cree's mother in perpetua. For another jump, I have diligently searched for authority to translate mores death but I can't find it. Guess I'll have to come in and say it means bad manners or something along that line. I guess we could say O horrors and make it modern couldn't we? Hang Cicero, Hebrew, Thor, and all the rest.

You owe me a letter. Send it quickly.

Most sincerely, Harry

This letter discusses Kansas City public transit, hard work on the Farm, and has some terrific classical allusions. It shows Harry Truman's breadth of knowledge.

A digital copy of the original can be seen here:

Dear Bess: November 22, 1946


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for November 22, 2021, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service.

We wanted to share with you a charming letter that President Harry S Truman wrote to his wife, Bess, while the President was resting in Key West, Florida, on this date in 1946. Harry Truman and his family loved Key West. It was a place for the President, his family, and his staff to escape the stress of Washington, if but for a few days. This was Truman’s first visit to Key West, and it began a tradition that he continued for most of the rest of his life.

Key West, Fla. November 22, 1946

Dear Bess:

It was nice to get your good long letter in the pouch at lunch time yesterday. I am sorry about Margie's not getting back for any of the W.H. functions. Looks as if we've lost her for good and it's a wrench - but we'll have to stand it I guess. Glad the teas turned out not to be so bad as usual. Thanks for telling George about the turkey.

Adm. Leahy & I went fishing yesterday - unannounced. They do it differently here. We sat on the back end of a crash boat in two easy chairs and had a navy captain bait our hook and take the fish off. It was a trolling job entirely. I caught three and the Adm. three and Foskett one. They were nice fish but I don't know why we caught them except that this is Friday and we can furnish some of our Catholic friends something they can eat today. We had a nice ride in the afternoon sun.

Yesterday morning we went down in a new German sub. There was no sensation to it and nothing could be seen except the inside of the ship and the team work of the crew which was excellent. We went down 450 feet. Charlie went down in an American ship the day before and claimed a record for himself having gone down 300 ft. one day and 450 the next he said 750 was his record. We go to Ft. Jefferson today for a day of fishing and sight seeing. The fort is located on the Dry Tortugas where Capt. Kidd, Sir Francis Drake and other equally famous pirates worked.

Tomorrow we go back to slavery. Only one consolation, I'll see my sweetheart.

Lots of love Harry.

In this letter, President Harry S Truman writes of some of the fun he is experiencing during his first trip to Key West, Florida, a place he came to deeply love. Fishing, going in submarines, what's not to love?

A copy of the original can be seen here:

Dear Bess: November 1914


Hello, and welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for November 21, 2021…a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service. We would like to share with you today a very touching letter that Harry Truman wrote to his sweetheart, Miss Bess Wallace, in November, 1914. It’s not exactly certain when he wrote this letter…a notation on the back of the envelope says November 12, and the postmark is unclear. But it was evidently written shortly after the future president’s father, John Anderson Truman, died.

John Anderson Truman died in the family farm home in Grandview in early November, 1914. His son was at his side. His influence on Harry Truman just cannot be calculated. Harry Truman and his father were quite close, and for the last years of John’s life, they were business partners on the Farm. John was also quite well regarded in the community, and he was mourned deeply there. In his final days, John Truman told friends who visited that he regretted not being a success in life. But after his son became President of the United States, and reporters started asking him about his “failed” father, Harry Truman replied, curtly, “how could my father have been a failure? His son is President of the United States!”

Grandview Dear Bess: Here I am a day late sending you a letter but I had a most awful time with a load of hogs today.

They were shipped yesterday evening and I drove down to the yards and stayed all night in order to be there when they were unloaded this morning. I went over to the yards at half past seven thinking I was very late but the hogs did not arrive on the market until 2:30 p.m. There were 34,000 on hand and the yardmen couldn't handle them all. Mine were finally sold about fifteen minutes before the market closed, at 3:00 p.m. I just now arrived at home and I expected to get in at about 10:00 a.m. I suppose I'll carry some of the malodorous dust from those hog yards in my clothes for sixty days. I wouldn't work down there for fifteen dollars a day.

I have quite a job on my hands now trying to make things run as smoothly as they formerly did. You know, I've been in the habit of running the farm for some time, but Papa always made it go. He could make the men step lively even after he was sick a great deal better than I can or ever will. It surely makes me feel a loss that is quite irreparable, I tell you. There are things that I don't suppose I'll ever learn that were entirely natural to him. I have got to arrange to get some cattle to eat up a lot of feed I can't sell, and I'm morally certain that I'll be skinned on the deal. When Papa did those things, the other fellow was never sure that he had all his hide when the deal was over. About six weeks before he died he bought ten cows from an old tightwad here in the neighborhood that no one else can do business with for $500 and sold them for $900. If I could only make deals like that, there'd be nothing to worry about. You've no idea how much he appreciated the flowers you sent him when he was at the hospital. He wouldn't let the nurse throw them away until they were entirely gone. He was very particular to point them out to Aunt Ella and tell her where they came from. We certainly appreciated the flowers that you and your mother and Frank and George sent to the funeral. Your good letter also helped out wonderfully. I can't tell you how much good it really did me. I can't write you a good letter either for as you can probably tell I can't talk of but one subject. It is probably a very good thing that I have more work to do than I can possibly get done because I have something else to think about. I hope you will consider this worth an answer, and if Ferson gets his new car and will let me have it I hope to ride you around in it Sunday. Would like awfully to see you sooner but can't very well leave home.

Most sincerely, Harry

This touching letter from Harry Truman was likely written just days after the death and burial of his father, John Anderson Truman. In this letter Harry Truman bares his soul to Bess Wallace, many miles away in Independence.

A copy of the original letter can be seen here:

Dear Bess: November 15, 1918


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for November 15, 2021, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service. We have a gem of a letter for you today, from Captain Harry S Truman in France, writing to Bess Wallace in Independence, Missouri. This letter gives us a glimpse of some of the politics to be found in a military unit. How we wish we had the letter from Miss Wallace that Captain Truman mentions, but, alas, it is lost. Captain Truman proudly boasts about the success of Battery D in the recently-ended World War. Somewhere in France November 15, 1918 Dear Bess: Your good letter of October 26 came today and you of course can guess how happy I am to get it. I am enclosing the forty cents for the very nice things you said to me. Being written with red ink reminds me of a letter I censored for one of my Irishmen the other day. He started out with blue ink and ran out so he said well here goes with a little blood and went on and finished his letter with red ink. I suppose his girl thought he really used blood. A letter from you written with charcoal, chalk, or clay would be fine enough to send me into the seventh heaven. I don't care what they're written with long as I get them. I am very glad that Pike Sands holds no malice for my having busted him. You know it is the hardest job a man ever undertook to be absolutely square and just to 194 men when you have good ones and bad ones (very few bad), smart ones and dull ones. I love 'em all and if anybody wants a fight or a quarrel with me he can get it suddenly and all he wants if he says anything derogatory about my Battery or one of my men. I wouldn't trade off the "orneriest" one I've got for any other whole Battery. While I'm not a braggart I believe I can take my outfit and beat any other one in the A.E.F., shooting or doing any other kind of Battery work (every Battery commander in the regiment says the same thing). I recommended one of my kids to go to West Point and he was one out of seven in the A.E.F. to go. I was as proud of him as if I had done it myself. You know I have succeeded in doing what it was my greatest ambition to do at the beginning of the war. That is to take a Battery through as Battery commander and not lose a man. We fired some ten thousand or twelve thousand rounds at Heinie and were shelled ourselves time and again but never did the Hun score a hit on me. There are rumors rife that we will go to Germany to do police and rioting duty. I'd rather go home but if your Uncle Samuel needs us in Germany, to Germany we'll go and be as happy as we can. We got in on the last drive and fired up to the last hour and I suppose that is the reason they'll send us if they do. Shall I bring you some German spoons and tableware or just some plain loot in the form of graft money? I hope they give me Coblenz or Cologne to hold down; there should be a good opportunity for a rising young captain with an itching palm, shouldn't there? I can't remember when I was ever taking any beauty sleep unless it was some time when I'd been up for 60 or 65 hours and was probably sleeping the next twenty four. I have done that several times. Once I was up so long I thought I never would want to go to bed anymore. The Major made me and I felt better after 24 hours of sleep. I hope Bill Bostian has a good time and I wish I was in his place, except that I'd like to bring the Battery home now that it has gone through the war with me. I hope to ride a prancing steed down Grand Ave. at the head of D Bty, the fourth in the column when the last parade before the muster out is made. I dreamed last night that I was trying to exchange a 100 franc note for real money in a Kansas City bank. It was a disappointment when I found I wasn't there. I got a letter from Fred today and shall proceed to answer it. Please keep writing to one who always thinks of you. Always, Harry Harry S Truman Capt Bty D 129 FA American E.F.

This letter is a gem. In it, Captain Harry S Truman boasts of the success of his artillery battery, and notes that as commander he did "not lose a man." This letter is a great one to use when assessing what the war meant to Harry Truman.

A copy of the original can be seen here:

Dear Harry: November 7, 1937


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for November 7, 2021…a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site and the National Park Service.

We have a treat for you today…one of the relatively few “Dear Harry” letters that survive. In her autobiography, Margaret Truman wrote that one day, former President Harry S Truman came home from his office in Kansas City one day and found his wife burning papers. When he inquired as to what she was doing, she replied that she was burning letters. He said “But Bess, think of history!” She said, simply “I have!” We don’t know which letters, specifically, she destroyed, or why she felt compelled to do so. We are grateful to have a few of her letters to her husband. We thank Margaret Truman Daniel and her children for sharing them with us!

This gem is from November, 1937. This letter to Senator Truman gives some insight into their private lives and family. There is much we wish we knew more about. But we are glad to be able to share it with you!

[Independence, Mo.] [November 7, 1937] Sunday- Dear Harry- I was disappointed not to get a Special this a.m. but I guess the call last night will have to make up for it. Ethel called after she had seen Dr. Curran & said that he thought her eye was "definitely better"-but she can not go to school this week-He says now it's some infection & he has to find the source of it. Miss Jessie is coming out to dinner& I am supposed to go for her-but I had such a pile of ironing to do, I don't know whether I am going to get off or not. To-day is just like spring (including the wind). I telephoned Rubin yesterday to get my fur coat out of storage & I might have known it would turn warm immediately. I thought I was going to need it next Sat. You wire Bill Taylor-1312 Bass Ave. I simply haven't the nerve to call them. From henceforth I make no more engagements-The Jim Taylors are going anyway, so it won't make any difference to them except that the Bill T's weren't going to ask them 'til we had accepted. So it's quite thoroughly mixed up. Marg seems ever so much better this morning-& will be back in school tomorrow. Henry Chiles' wife is very low. He called this morning & asked for you. Said Vivian said you would be here to-day. I told him that was the first I had heard of it. I am sorry you are not getting in Wednesday. Lots of love Bess

A treat (we hope!) of the relatively few surviving "Dear Harry" letters. This letter gives us a glimpse into the life of a Senator's wife. It's a gem.

A copy of the original letter can be seen here, courtesy of the awesome Truman Library and the family of Margaret Truman Daniel:

Dear Bess: November 1, 1911


Welcome to the Dear Bess/ Dear Harry podcast for November 1, 2021…a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service. Today we wish to share with you a letter that Harry S Truman wrote to Bess Wallace on this date in 1911. Much of the letter focuses on the wedding of Harry Truman’s brother, John Vivian, to the lovely Luella Campbell. Luella and John Vivian Truman remained married until Vivian’s death in 1965. Together they had six children, although they lost their first, one of a set of twins, at just under the age of four, in 1916. Following their wedding, Vivian and Luella Truman moved off of the family farm and established their own. In this letter, too, we hear of how the Young/ Truman farm prepared for winter, and we hear some interesting insights into how and why Harry Truman loves music.

Grandview, Mo.

November 1, 1911

Dear Bessie:

I am most awful glad you think a letter to me worthwhile. They are more than worthwhile to me. You can never guess how glad I am to get them.

I really didn't mean to put my principal desire in the past tense. That is something that will never be past with me. My grammar was at fault, that's all.

I suppose Ethel has told you all about the wedding. I was scared nearly to death and so was Vivian. Luella was as calm as if she'd been married a dozen times before. She is more like my Grandmother Young than anyone I know. If my dear Pete doesn't make a success with her to help him, he should be blotted out. Everyone is so well satisfied with the match something surely will happen. Even her grandmother thinks Vivian is almost good enough for her, and Mamma says she's too good for him. They are down to pa-in-law's tonight. Vivian actually told me that they were going to town tomorrow to buy the furniture they need. I guess they'll be at home Monday or Tuesday. The charivari is set for Saturday I think. If it is, I'll not be present for I am coming to Independence if you'll be at home. I am going with Mary and Ethel and Nellie to the Shubert Saturday afternoon and I'd like very much to come down that night, provided of course that you have nothing better to do.

I want an auto so badly tonight I really don't know what to do. I have a special invitation to assist in the dedication of a new Lodge at Swope Park. I shall stay at home because I'd simply be a chunk of ice by the time I drove to 67th Street in a buggy. I couldn't go on the train because Papa and I had to pull up the carrots and beets and bury them this afternoon so they wouldn't freeze. If ever I get my debts paid and then have something left, I'm going to invest it in a benzine buggy, as the hobos say. Then I suppose I'll have the debts to pay over. Just imagine how often I'd burn the pike from there to Independence. I guess you'd better be glad I haven't one for I'd simply make myself monotonous to you. I guess there'll not be much danger of my coming too often this winter for I'll have to work for true, Ethel to the contrary notwithstanding. I always make it a point to invite them out when things are arranged so I haven't anything to do but tease and torment them. That is how Ethel arrived at her conclusion.

The W.M. series begins soon I see. Don't you forget you have pianist dates to go with me. Pianists are all I can stand this winter. I am crazy about any kind of pretty music but of course I can appreciate pianists most. Mary has been practicing on a Mozart sonata that has the most beautiful melody I know of. It makes you think of Greek and Roman fairy stories. Did you ever sit and listen to an orchestra play a fine overture and imagine that things were as they ought to be and not as they are? Music that I can understand always makes me feel that way. I think some of the old masters must have been in communication with a fairy goddess of some sort. That is Mozart, Chopin, and Verdi were. Wagner and Bach evidently were in cahoots with Pluto. Did you ever know that some of those men wrote the worst trash imaginable for potboilers? Raff has over a thousand compositions and about nine hundred are fit for nothing. He'd write one very time he got hungry. I guess you can't blame the poor man. That is the reason rulers should be wise enough to pick the geniuses and pension them so they can do their best. It seems to me that they would be easy enough picked out because they always beat their wives, or run away with some other man's. Wouldn't Reno be full of pensioners?

I hope you'll be home Saturday. If you're not, it'll be my loss of course. I'll phone in the morning sometime after I get to town.

You see, I am sending you the other half of that sheet I tore in two before.

I want you to show me some stenciling when I come down. I never saw any I guess, even it is ancient. If I have, I knew it not. You owe me a letter now. Next time I'll wind up and fill two full sheets. Now you know what's coming, so beware.

Sincerely, Harry

In this letter from November 1, 1911, Harry Truman describes to Bess Wallace his brother John Vivian's wedding to Luella Campbell, preparing the farm for winter, and his love of music. As always, he expresses his desire to see her in Independence.

A digital copy of the original can be seen here:

Dear Bess: October 26, 1917


Welcome to the Dear Harry, Dear Bess podcast, a service of Harry S Truman National Historic Site, a unit of the National Park Service. Today we would like to share with you a letter that Harry S Truman wrote his sweetheart, Miss Bess Wallace, on this date, October 26, in 1917 while in Oklahoma, preparing to serve in World War I in France. This letter has some splendid descriptions of Captain Truman’s environment and of some of his colleagues in arms.

Perhaps some of you listening have letters from loved ones serving in the military. Maybe this will inspire you to find and read them again. Cherish them. Preserve them for the future generations of your genealogy. We’re grateful that Bess Wallace Truman and her husband saved these.

[October 26, 1917] Dear Bess: This has been another fine day. Your letter came on time today. I'll admit that our mail service is [illegible] all right but it is improving and I hope that very soon it will be perfect running order. Father Tiernan is in charge and has built himself a fine tent to work in. Mr. Lee and I have our tent boxed up now and it is like living in a house. The floor is bright and new and shows the dust awful plain but I think we'll soon have it black enough so that will be remedied. Our dust storms continue with charming regularity. Some of the natives are of the opinion that they will quit but I doubt it. Mary sent me a box of fine cakes yesterday and another today. I had a regular party. It was just like flies around a sugar bowl. The Col. and Lt. Col. were among the flies too. They feed us fine but things from home sure taste good. We received our full quota of drafted men yesterday. The regiment is was strength now. They are a fine bunch of fellows. Most of them are big huskies from Missouri farms. Some are from St. Louis and Kansas City. They seem to be as well satisfied as could be expected. They all have fine big overcoats and O. D clothes which is more than we have. We all have stoves now and can keep warm at night anyway. Your enclosure is very fine. I have had my hat stretched on the nice things she said about me. I only wish I could be half as fine as some people think I am then I'd know I wouldn't stay in Okla all eternity. I slipped up on your letter last night because I had no place to write all our goods and chattels were scattered from here to yonder on account of getting into our new house. I am going to send this special on the bet that it may not appear until Sunday and I'll do your tomorrow's the same way. You may get them both on Sunday. I am hoping to see you soon. You never can tell how the Commanding Officer is going to act but I am doing all I can to get away on Nov. 7. It looks good. Write every time you get a chance.

Yours always


In this letter, Harry S Truman, in camp in Oklahoma, describes camp life to Bess Wallace.

A digital copy of the original can be seen here:

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