
Eisenhower Bank Barn Lower Level 3D Tour - Audio Described

Eisenhower National Historic Site


Moving through the wide barn door, cylindrical metal posts support massive wooden beams overhead.

The floor of the barn is covered in a layer of gravel.

Some of the beams are smooth from the cut of a saw blade, but many show the rough cuts of hand tools.

Light streams through a 25 foot line of windows along the top of the side wall at the left.

At the far end of the barn, white wood railings line both sides of an inclined wooden ramp leading up into the right, where the men's restroom is located.

In the back right corner is a large white vertical wood plank door.

Turning right back toward the barn door, a series of four, 8 foot (2 1/2 meter) long wooden benches line up one behind the other along the left side of the barn. Moving back to the middle of the barn facing the door, large floor standing electrical fan stands at the left.


The lower level of the Eisenhower Bank Barn was the loafing area. The manger against the west wall would have held hay for livestock. This virtual tour allows you to see how the builders' reused materials from earlier barns in this 1887 barn.


58.883 seconds

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