Supply StorageThe Rock Harbor Lodge or Windigo Store can store non-perishable packages. For a nominal price, you can store a box. Food or fuel cannot be stored. The box will need to be hand delivered to the location. Contact the Rock Harbor Lodge for more information and rates. Package Drop-offsUnited States Postal Service via the Voyageur IIUsing the U.S. Postal Service, visitors can mail a non-perishable package to themselves to either Windigo or Rock Harbor via the Voyageur II, which circumnavigates the island on certain days. Be sure to check their schedule; deliveries are on the days of their outbound trips only. Address your package with the following information:
On the lower left side of the package being shipped, please write this additional information in large letters:
Fuel cannot be sent through the U.S. Mail. Voyageur II or Sea Hunter III Scheduled StopsYou must make prior arrangements with the ferry service. Packages must be delivered to their Grand Portage, MN dock (not through US mail). There is a nominal fee. On Isle Royale, per scheduled ferry stops, packages may be picked up at:
Last updated: April 4, 2021