The geothermal aquifer of the park is thought to be approximately 12 to 15 square miles in extent, although the precise boundary is unknown. The hot springs are geothermally heated to 61 degrees Celsius at a depth of several thousand feet. The water then rises through faults in the sandstone formation, mixes with less than 20-year-old ground water, and emerges from the thermal springs. Through radiocarbon dating, this process has been determined to take over 4,000 years.
Dense forest covers much of the park. Typical overstory species include shortleaf pine, Spanish oak (Quercus falcata), red oak, black oak, white oak, and hickories. North slopes are dominated by mesic hardwood forests, while shortleaf pine, oaks, and hickories occupy dry south-facing slopes. Nutrient rich bottomland forests in the valleys support a mixture of hardwood species including sweetgum, sycamore, American beech, American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), and white oak, while less fertile bottomland sites support loblolly and shortleaf pines.
Source: Data Store Saved Search 3507 (results presented are a subset). To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.
Source: Data Store Collection 4260 (results presented are a subset). To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.
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Last updated: October 15, 2018