A multi-level organizational structure ensures accountability and efficiency of the Appalachian Highlands Inventory and Monitoring Network program. The network is responsible to a Board of Directors and Technical Committee composed of park superintendents and staff who participate on a rotating basis. Program guidance and oversight is provided by the Inventory and Monitoring Division of the National Park Service's Washington Office.
The network consists of four permanent NPS personnel who work closely with each park's natural resources program to develop and implement long-term monitoring and provide sound scientific information to park managers.
The network consists of four permanent NPS personnel who work closely with each park's natural resources program to develop and implement long-term monitoring and provide sound scientific information to park managers.
![APHN Staff Man in kayak, two headshots and a woman getting a water sample](/im/aphn/images/APHN-collage.jpg?maxwidth=1300&maxheight=1300&autorotate=false)
NPS photo / APHN staff
Name | Title/Position | Phone Number | Location |
Brian Witcher | Program Manager | 828-407-5654 | NC |
Emma Brinley Buckley | Hydrologist | 423-569-7315 | TN |
Evan Raskin | Assistant Data Manager/Biologist | 828-407-5655 | NC |
Tim Fotinos | Data Manager | 828-407-5656 | NC |
North Carolina Address
Appalachian Highlands Inventory and Monitoring Network
c/o Blue Ridge Parkway
67 Ranger Drive
Asheville, NC 28805
Tennessee Address
Appalachian Highlands Inventory and Monitoring Network
c/o Big South Fork NRRA
4564 Leatherwood Road
Oneida, TN 37841
Last updated: October 6, 2021