Learn the Word of the Week


Language Revitalization

As part of the 5 Year Plan for the Revitalization of the Ojibwe Language on the Grand Portage Reservation, we will be featuring a new Ojibwe word every week. We encourage you to use this word in your workday and hopefully outside of work as well. Check back periodically for new words.

These recordings are provided by Erik Martin Redix (Miskwaa anang), Ojibwe Language Coordinator, Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

About Pronunciation:

Ojibwe consonants have a similar pronunciation as English.
Vowels have the following pronunciation:

vowel sounds like
a the "u" in sun
aa the "a" in father
e the "ay" in day
i the "i" in sit
ii the "ee" in teeth
o the "o" in go
oo the "oo" in tooth


This week's word: waawaatesi (firefly)


Week of 3/4/2024: Maajitaadaa! (Let’s get started!)


Week of 3/11/2024: waaban (it is dawn)


Week of 3/18/2024: gisinaa (it is cold weather)


Week of 3/25/2024: biiwan (it is a blizzard)


Week of 4/1/2024: wawiyazh-giizhigad (it is trick day – April Fool’s Day)


Week of 4/8/2024: awan (it is foggy)


Week of 4/15/2024: ziigwan (it is spring)


Week of 4/22/2024: aamiwag (they are spawning)


Week of 4/29/2024: noodin (it is a windy)


Week of 5/6/2024: zaagigin (it is sprouting from the ground)


Week of 5/13/2024: gitige (she or he is planting or gardening)


Week of 5/20/2024: bingoshikaa (there is an abundance of black flies)

Bingosh is the word for black fly and the suffix -ikaa means there is an abundance. Some communities and speakers use the term bingoshens, which means the same thing, the -ens suffix is just emphasizing that it a small.


Week of 6/3/2024: zagimekaa (there are many mosquitos)

Bingosh is the word for black fly and the suffix -ikaa means there is an abundance. Some communities and speakers use the term bingoshens, which means the same thing, the -ens suffix is just emphasizing that it a small.


Week of 6/10/2024: ginwashkad (the grass is long)


Week of 6/17/2024: niibin (it is summer)


Week of 6/24/2024: wiigwaasike (she or he is gathering birchbark)


Week of 7/1/2024: baashkide (it explodes from heat)


Last updated: July 10, 2024

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