Last updated: October 21, 2024
CRGIS Training
CRGIS Training and Partners
The Cultural Resources GIS Facility (CRGIS) has partnered with the National Preservation Institute (NPI) to offer training in using ArcGIS software for cultural resource data collection, mapping, and maintenance.CRGIS's Cultural Resources GIS modeling courses have recently migrated from using ESRI ArcGIS Map 10.x to ArcGIS Pro. Between 1997 and 2024, CRGIS conducted approximately 55 classes, totaling over 2,000 students. Since then, CRGIS continues to offer introductory and advanced GIS training, host GIS Roundtable discussions, and GIS fieldschools for applying GIS technologies in the realm of cultural resources and place based heritage.

Into to ArcGIS for Cultural Resources
A training using ArcGIS for Cultural Resources, an Introduction by CRGIS and the National Preservation Institute.

Advanced GIS for Cultural Resources
An advanced training for using ArcGIS for Cultural Resources by CRGIS and National Preservation Institute.

Importance of Mapping Resources
A training detailing the importance of mapping cultural resources and using ArcGIS.

Other GIS Training
CRGIS can arrange to hold an Advanced ArcGIS classes remotely, at your own facility, or in another location convenient to you upon inquiry. Classes usually consist of up to 16 students, with one or two people stationed per computer for hands-on exercises, if held in person. Students will need to set aside two full days for the class, unless otherwise agreed.Course Costs: Costs for the course will vary depending on your location and other circumstances, and can be negotiated on an individual basis. Additional costs, such as computer rental, or instructor travel and salary costs will depend on the choice of facility and other factors. In most cases, these will be negligible.
Contact us for more information.